Being There

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"" I grunt as I take another blow to the head, I fall to the ground, I groan "Keep away from my man!!" I groan as I grab my head "I wasn't 'With Him' I walked past him and he dropped his bag! So I picked up some pencils for him, that's ALL I did!" She scoffs "You were gonna touch him!" I scoff "More like push him away, he was moving closer to me!" I open my eyes, everything is a blur at the moment 'I wish I never helped him!' I sigh as I hear her scoff, she walks away(more like struts away) I groan 'Why?' I shake my head as I stand up 'I HATE my life!' 'Well you're about to hate it more, Look who's coming' I sigh as I look up, I groan 'For fucksake!' I grab my bag and I run away from Sally, I turn a corner to only run into someone "Ow!" I fall on my back and hit my head off the floor "Oh shit! Charlie! I'm so so sorry!" I moan as everything starts going black, someone touches my face "Hey! Stay with me! Don't black out on me!" I look at the person I ran into 'It's Izzy..' I hear footsteps and then a gasp "Hey! Charlie! What happened?!" 'And THAT would be Austin' "What did you do?!" I look at a blurry Izzy who seems shocked "Charlie look at me, don't black out, stay with me!" I look into Austin's beautiful hazel eyes "Y-You have amazing e-eyes" I smile weakly, he chuckles "Look Charlie just stay awake okay? I'm gonna carry you to the nurses office to get you sorted, okay?" I nod weakly as I hear heels clicking, Austin picks me up bridal style and turns around. I look at the heel clicker "Uhh what's going on?" Said a very jealous Sally "I saw her on the ground bleeding a little, so I'm taking her to the nurses office" Sally giggles nervously "Why was she on the ground?" I push my face into Austin's chest, not wanting to see Sally "I pushed her!" I sigh and shake my head into Austin's chest 'Of course Izzy would say that' "Why would you do that?" Austin asked through gritted teeth, Izzy scoffs "She's an ugly bitch, she doesn't deserve to be walking on the same ground as us!" I sigh sadly as tears start stinging my eyes as everything is getting more darker "How.Dare.You" Austin growls at Izzy "I will sort you out later" Austin threatens as he starts walking away from Sally and Izzy "If she wasn't in his arms, she would be in a grave" I heard Sally's distant voice said "I don't know why i even hung around her in the first place" I hear Austin scoff "Don't worry Charlie, it'll be okay" I shake my head, not believing a word he's saying "No...No it won't" Austin sighs "It will Charlie...I promise" I sigh "I Don't Believe You" I black out.
--30 minutes later--
I open my eyes and look around me for a few second, not knowing where I am, if it wasn't for reality dawning into me I think I wild be freaking out 'You're in the nurses office, you hit your head off the floor remember?' I sigh 'Oh yeah..I bumped into Izzy' 'And before that someone was beating you up for "flirting" with their boyfriend' I touch my head 'And that too..' I groan as I lay back down carefully, not wanting to hurt my head more 'And then Austin carried you to the nurses office..' My eyes widen 'He did, didn't he?' I smile 'Yeah, you should thank him' I stare at the ceiling 'I should..and it shouldn't be just an ordinary 'Thank You' either' I smile at the ceiling, knowing what to do for him. Suddenly the door opens then closes, I look at what seems to be a nurse "Hey Ms Hunter, and how are you feeling?" I half smile at the nurse "I have a horrible headache and I feel tired but other than that, I feel fine" The nurse smiles at me "Good, I'll give you some medicine for your headache but for your tiredness? Me being a very kind person, I'm gonna let you sleep here for 1 hour" I smile at the nurse "Thank you so much, I would love that!" The nurse laughs "No problem Ms Hunter, there's someone that would LOVE to see you" I nod and sit up, the nurse calls someone in. To my surprise it was Austin, I smile at him as he sits down on the chair that's next to my bed "Hey Stranger" I smile at him "Hey Charlie, how's your head?" "Eh, the nurse is gonna give me some medicine for my huge headache AND, she seems to be in a really happy mood cause she's gonna let me rest here for an hour!" Austin chuckles "Good! I mean I'm pretty sure your head is really sore, it was that bad it needed stitches" My heart stopped as well as my breathing '...Wha?' 'Touch your head' I slowly bring my hand up to the back of my head, I softly touch the throbbing part of my head until I feel the stitches Austin was talking about, I gasp as I drop my arm on the bed "Charlie? You okay?" Austin touches my hand, I look at him wide eyed "S-Stitches?" He nods slowly as he holds my hand, I pull my hand away from his as I feel pain go through my hand and up my arm "Argh! Fuck!" I pull my throbbing hand to my chest "Shit! Sorry Charlie I totally forgot!" I take deep breaths trying to forget about the pain in my hand, I freeze again "Stitches?" "..Yes Charlie, stitches.." I look at Austin "Don't worry to much or you'll faint!" I start taking deep breaths again 'It was that bad?' 'I guess' I groan as I hold my head with my other hand "You okay?" I nod a little "I just need rest" Austin sighs "Yeah okay, just tell the nurse to come and get me when you're awake, kay?" I yawn "Kay" I lie back down and close my eyes, I hear the door open "A-Austin?" "Yeah Charlie?" I smile a little "Thank you" "For what?" I giggle softly "For being there" then I fall asleep.

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