My Benefactor Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

"Yes," she said simply.

That was the only confirmation I needed.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Rebecca. Your parents are going to be so disappointed in you. Are you willing to throw away your life just for that pure blood?" I asked.

She nodded meekly, smiling for real. I hadn't seen this side of her in years. All throughout our teenage lives, she was dubbed as the school slut, a whore who slept with anyone with an one eyed snake. This was a strange revelation.

"Yes, very much," she said. "I wouldn't care less about our kind, nor what the pure bloods have to say. We love each other. Being away from him was too much."

"But this is strange. At school you would flirt around and hook up with a random guy. I thought you were back to your old self Rebecca. Why now?" I mused.

She smiled. "I had to keep up appearances. I had to pretend so that no one would be suspicious. I used persuasion on the guys that I so-called hooked up with," she said, doing air quotations on the hook up part. "I persuade them that we actually hook up, though we didn't. I can't see myself getting intimate with another guy after what happened."

She continued."The day I was warned to stay away from him was the day my world came crumbling down. I had to be with him again. He made me feel wanted. He treated me like a queen, not a princess. He never saw me as an Alerian, a race which purebloods meant to hate. He sees me as a woman."

I frowned. Unbelievable.

"I'm sorry I blackmailed you before. That was the old, crazy me," she said, chuckling at the memory. "I shouldn't have slept with you. That was the stupidest thing, and as a matter of fact, you should tell Reagan what happened. The day Ciara kissed you wasn't your fault. She came on to you because she knows that you would never give her a second glance. If you want, I could help you, but I don't think it would make a difference this time," she said sadly.

Yes, Rebecca walked in on us two years ago when Ciara kissed me at the Chemistry lab. Ciara, at that time, declared her love for me and told me to ditch Reagan, because I was better off without her. Unfortunately, I had to shut her down, because I loved Reagan, so she ran away crying but for Rebecca, it was a different story. She used it to her advantage, and the price? To have sex with her. If I declined, she would squea like a pig to Reagan and not only that, she would divulge our legacy.

The reasons were shallow, but there were no options laid out, so what could I do? It was either lose Reagan, or compromise our kind. Sad, I know. I could finally admit I was the most dumbest male specie that had ever lived.

"What do you mean that it won't make a difference this time?" I asked as I came to realize her last sentence.

"I think she's over you. She's in love with someone else," she said.

I tilted my head to the side. "What do you mean?"

She sighed but smiled nevertheless. "It takes one to know one, Bryson. I'm a woman in love too."

I felt a tingle nipping at my skin, but this one was different. It wasn't the usual tingle that normal Alerians had when teleporting. That could only mean one thing.

The Pillars were coming. But, who contacted them anyway?

"Get our of here, Rebecca," I whispered.

She frowned. "What?"

I had no time to explain. The words that came out of my mouth were the only thing that could preserve her life, even though we knew it wasn't enough. You couldn't hide forever from them, but it was a chance she had no choice but to take. "LEAVE IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE!" I growled.

Her eyes grew wide, finally getting my drift. Without hesitation, she vanished out of thin air, transporting to where the hell she decided to.

I'd hoped that pure blood was worth the trouble. The Pillars wouldn't hear the end of it.

"Darn it," Ciara grunted.

I spun around and glared at Ciara. "What?"

She scowled. "I sent  a telepathic message to The Pillars telling them about the situation."

I glared. So she was the one who informed them. "You have gone on the deep end, Ciara."

"Like I freaking care," she retorted.

I snorted. "If this is your way of getting into my good books, you fail miserably. I will never look at you the same way again," it was true. When her true colors came out to play, I became disgusted with her.

She swung around to leave, but she glanced over her shoulder to say her last two cents. "That will change, soon."


HEHE! Back to Reagan and Derek on the next chapter,

Does anybody know how to make a book trailer? I was curious because a lot of people here had made a book trailer for various books.

Would some of you be interested in making a trailer for My Benefactor? That would be so cool though :) My characters are practically models so it might be hard to make a video hehe! but you could improvise though :)

Song choice of the moment:

Fireworks by the contenders of Glee Project

I was watching this in youtube and I was like "WHAT?" Are they replacing half of the Glee Cast? Oh vhey. But the contenders are good though, they can really sing.

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