My Benefactor Chapter Thirty One

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  • Dedicated to All of my fans. I love you guys and I'm sorry.

My Benefactor

Copyright © 2011 crimsonnebula

Chapter Thirty One


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Chapter Thirty One

(Reagan's POV)

Home sweet home.

As ironic as it sounds, I couldn't exactly say it was good to be back. Sweet couldn't even cover most of it, in all honesty.

But then again, what brought me to this train of thought you asked?

The trip to Greece was an eye opener that some things were not exactly what it seemed anymore. Nothing was normal and somehow, I could sense a foreboding feeling that a storm was brewing and it was going to hit anytime, without me knowing it.

Most of all, I had this feeling that Derek was going to be in loads of trouble the moment we get home.

Insidious? Yeah it was, but it wouldn’t be for long that they would discover our relationship, our forbidden relationship and...

I shook my head and pushed it at the back of my mind.

When push came to shove, I would protect Derek with all my might, even if it meant losing my own. That I knew for sure.

If my dad said I was a descendant of some kick ass Galerian, then I was sure as hell going to put up a fight.

The mansion was quiet and I was alone, lying in my bed in my room, bored out of my wits. We got home around three in the afternoon and immediately, Derek and Cooper had to leave to do ‘pureblood obligations’  since they had been gone for a long time. It had me wary, to be honest, since one the Elders, Marcus, had attempted to rile up Derek back in Greece. I was worried for Derek’s safety however, he assured me that things would be fine, but I doubt that. Nothing was going to be simple from now on.

As for my dad and Ryder, they went out to meet the trusted Alerian historian and have the parchment examined.

With a grunt, I got out of the bed then headed to my window where the drapes were already parted to the sides conveniently, fastened with a cord. Taking deep breaths, I had my hands cupped at my elbows as I stared outside with a somber look on my face. Looking out, it was almost nightfall. The sky was slowly darkening on its way to claim the night. The trees that surrounded the mansion casted an eerie feeling, like those in a horror movie and the next you know, some serial killer dude would pop out of the trees, staring at you in that malicious glint in their eyes as they mouth ‘you’re going to die.’

“Ah, geez,” I groaned then rolled my eyes. “I watch too many horror movies.”

Being alone sure makes your imagination run wild.

Chuckling softly, I continued to watch outside and relish the last remaining minutes of daylight.

Somehow, I felt lonely without Derek. I missed having his arms enclosed around my body, like a protective cocoon. I missed how he talked in husky murmurs in my ear, telling me how much he loved me and other sweet nothings that made my knees buckle like a newborn deer attempting to walk for the first time. 

I’m becoming a love sick puppy and it wasn’t even funny.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone blared out, piercing the lonesome silence. I frowned and walked over to my nightstand to grab my phone. Staring at the screen to read out, my frown deepened as I saw Bryson’s name, the guilt washing over me like I’ve been thrown a bucket of cold water.

To be honest, the love I had for Bryson had dwindled and was replaced with one that I could only offer.

The love of a friend.

The fact that he was still in love with me had tripled the guilt, and it didn’t help the situation at all.

I didn’t have it in me to hurt the guy who I had once loved. But, I loved Derek now. It wouldn’t be right to cast him aside because I couldn’t hurt someone; just because of the guilt. 

Truth however, was a vicious thing that we couldn’t exactly take, but in some ways, it could set us free.

Knock on wood; I just hoped that when I answer the phone, he wouldn’t confess his love for me or ask me to be his again. I wasn’t ready for the confrontation, but one way or another, it was bound to happen.

I took a deep breath and pressed the call button to answer.

“Hey Bryson,” I chirped, trying to sound normal as though nothing was amiss. By ‘normal’, I mean enthusiastically fake... I think. 

“Thank god, you finally answered,” he groaned in his deep, sensual voice that once sent shivers down my spine but now, it held no reaction to me at all. It was nothing compared to Derek’s low baritone. “Your voicemail was so annoying.”

I chuckled. “My voicemail is not that bad.”

“Ha ha, very funny,” he said sarcastically. “Where were you anyway? I’ve been trying to call you and you’ve not even been in school for almost a week.”

Crap! How was I going to answer to that? I couldn’t just tell him about my trip to Greece, but I wondered, how come the Alerians didn’t know about it? The Elder, Marcus, knew about it, but how come Bryson didn’t? This would complicate things, that I knew for sure.

“Uh, I was...” I stalled for a few seconds as I racked for an excuse. If Bryson didn’t knew then, I had to lie. “I didn’t feel well.”

That was the most lamest, oldest trick in a book excuse ever!

“Oh, are you okay?” Bryson asked in a worried tone. “Do you want me to come over?” he added hastily. “If Elder Kolinkar wouldn’t mind though.”

It was a sweet thought that had me chuckle softly, but I couldn’t let him. I wasn’t exactly sick. “I’m fine,” I reassured him. “There is no need for you to come over.”

“Are you sure?” he asked, sounding dubious. “I could send some of Mercedes’ famous chicken noodle soup.”

Double crap again! Mercedes’ chicken noddle soup was to die for and that sure had me waver a bit, due to its appeal, but no. Not a chance in hell was he to find out I was lying.

“Thanks Bryson but no,” I replied sadly. “No need to worry, okay? I’m fine.”

Bryson was silent on the other line, obviously pondering on my words. I hoped that he would buy it and would not delve into my sudden absence. After a moment, he sighed and spoke in a soft tone. “Alright,” he conceded. “So, are you well enough to go back to school then?”

“Yeah,” I confirmed, much to my distaste. I didn’t want to go back to school yet but it was inevitable.”Why you ask?”

He chuckled nervously, sounding like a bashful kid. “Um, it’s because I have something to tell you.”

“Oh, okay,” I replied, dreading that ‘something’ he was referring to.

Bryson sighed. “It’s good to hear your voice again, Reagan.” He breathed out the words like a caress and I flinched, intensifying the guilt. “So I’ll see you tomorrow?”

I gulped. “Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Great!” Bryson said happily, which had me internally groan, the guilt eating me alive by now, chomping and gnawing at my soul viciously.

“Goodbye, Reagan.” 


Our conversation ended by him hanging up first.

With a sigh, I tossed my phone to my bed and went back to the window, looking back outside. By now the night had finally come, covering the sky with ink black.

In my tortured thoughts, I spoke a thousand apologies and hope that whatever happens tomorrow, I wouldn’t break Bryson’s heart.

(Derek’s POV)

“What do you mean I can’t go in?” I snarled at security in the face, not bothering to keep my anger in check. “On who’s orders?” At this point, I was seething, my breathing was labored as I stared at the pureblood standing guard.

The pureblood just stood there with a blank expression as he answered me in a monotone voice. “Elder Marcus.”

I scoffed as a reaction. I had never thought Marcus would go to such lengths, but it was expected of him, seeing he was a pompous asshole. 

First he taunted me in Greece and now I wasn’t allowed to get inside the Elder Headquarters? Surely there had to be some grounds as to why I was banned from getting inside. Then again, Marcus was definitely on to me, especially the last words he uttered back in Greece before he blitzed out of thin air.

I got him where I want him.

“You can’t ban me,” I argued then crossed my arms over my chest. “Especially a high ranking pureblood like myself.”

The pureblood security had the audacity to smirk at me. “Well, I guess the Elders did now.”

That’s it. I was going to pulverize this imbecile to non existent. I took on an offensive move. My body was leaned forward as my mouth bared to a snarl however, my best friend, Cooper, held me back by encircling his arm on my waist, holding me tightly. “Derek, don’t,” he gruffly chastised me. “This is what they wanted. If you have done something that prevented to go in the building, then attacking a fellow pureblood would only add to the problem.”

“Let me go, Cooper,” I growled lowly. “I’m going to teach this low life a lesson he will never forget.”

Cooper sighed and implored once again as he struggled to hold me down. It surprised me since I was powerful and he managed to put me in place. “Let’s just go home. We have other important things to do anyway.”

“What in God’s green Earth is so important than my predicament right now?” I asked him in disbelief. 

Cooper looked at me as though I had lost my mind. “Reagan.”

Hearing the love of my life’s name was like a whiplash, bringing me back to my senses. I had to be an asshole not to remember that there were more pressing matters than my current ban from entering this god forsaken sterile building. God, what a big fool I was.

Sighing, I let my anger ebb away and slouch. “I’m sorry.”

Cooper chuckled lowly and let me go. “No problem, dude,” he said with a smile. “Now let’s go home. We’ll try to figure this out and there’s no point arguing with security.”

I nod an agreement but not before I shot the idiotic pureblood one last threatening glare. “I’ll get to the bottom of this.” And strode back to my car, eager to get back with my love.

But in my mind, I was not going to let this slip.

Like said, I will get to the bottom of this; I’ll make sure of it.

(Reagan’s POV)

I woke to an intense thrumming headache in my head - like thousand of sledgehammers pounding at one go.

It was excruciating as one spasm to another attack my poor head, making no room for momentary relief.

“Ugh,” I groaned as I burrowed my head to my pillow. “My head.”

I hadn’t noticed that I was wrapped up in Derek’s embrace as I felt him move from behind, but I was too weak to move. I felt like jello.

“Reagan?” Derek asked groggily as he craned his neck to look at me. “What’s wrong, ma cherie?”

I couldn’t see his face because my eyes were clamped shut, willing the headache to go away. “My head,” I ground out through gritted teeth. “It hurts. I can barely move my body.”

“My love, open your eyes.”

Slowly, I fluttered my eyes open and focused my gaze on the concern looking Derek, but all too soon, his concern was replaced with shock. 

Through the headache, I could still manage to utter a question. “What?” I asked, my voice shaky. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

Derek blinked, seemingly unaware of his expression. “You eyes,” he breathed in amazement. “It’s a mixture of blue and gray.”

I mustered up to concentrate on his words through the throbbing headache. “What do you mean?”

Without answering my question, Derek yelled out my father’s name and I flinched. Even my hearing was a bit sensitive. 

“Derek, ease  up on the shouting, will you?” I chided to him then all of a sudden, I felt cold, as though the winter air had attacked my body with one big whoosh. My teeth had chattered and I was pretty sure I could hear the clacking sound of my teeth clashing together.

Derek looked horrified when he turned his head back to me. “Reagan? What...”

My bedroom door banged open and pounding footsteps made its way toward our bed. 

“What’s wrong with Reagan?” 

I looked up and saw my dad looking down on me with a wary expression. “D-D-Dad?” I asked shakily.

His eyes went wide and reached out to touch my forehead then flinched his hand away. “She’s burning up.”

Another voice boomed, the edge of it was clear as day. “She’s turning into a full Galerian.”

From my curled up position, I saw Ryder go around my dad and approached me on the bed. “Tomorrow’s her birthday right?” he asked, still looking at me.

“Yes,” my dad confirmed his question.

Ryder still held a hard expression as he spoke the words. “Then for the whole day, she’s going to be sick as hell.”

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