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AnonymousBritish; Good morning Olive :D SPRING BREAK TODAY.

Anagramofilove; Hey Stranger :) no technically as it is Friday, spring break starts tomorrow!

AnonymousBritish; hey :( I'm no stranger. Ne-errr, it starts after my lesson today. :D

Anagramofilove; I think you are :/

AnonymousBritish; Olive, we've been speaking for practically 3 days straight. Why you gotta be so rude :(

Anagramofilove; I don't even know you're name :( oh na-na what's YOUR name ;)

"Oli, who are you speaking too?" Kathryn peers over my shoulder, I move the phone towards my chest "You better keep that nose out otherwise it wont be attached to your face" I grin. She sticks her tongue out and huffs.

AnonymousBritish; If I tell you, promise you wont laugh! :(

Anagramofilove; Why will I la- Wait, is it Fred!?

AnonymousBritish; No .-. That's my upside down face :D

Anagramofilove; Bob ^.^


John ;)


AnonymousBritish; No stop, it's Harry!

Anagramofilove; HAROLD, OMG XD I was just about to type that!!

AnonymousBritish; Harry, not Harold -.- smh

Anagramofilove; What are you up too Harold? :P

AnonymousBritish; That's going to stick init! #sigh

Anagramofilove; Did you just text a hashtag...

AnonymousBritish; so ...

Anagramofilove; oh lord, give mercury.

AnonymousBritish; Shut up, What are you doing Olive? xx

Anagramfilove; Changing the subject, nice. Getting ready for class, you? :)

Kathy waved goodbye as she leaves for her lecture. This left me with only ten minutes to get ready and get to my class. Except I was too fixated on this person, oh and my bed was weirdly comfy.

AnonymousBritish; Taking the day off, football yesterday nearly killed me :( I swear coach is out to kill me! :(

Anagramofilove; WHAT!! no life without Anonymous Harold the British, how ever will I cope;) aww poor Hawold ;)

AnonymousBritish; har har har, you're very funny -.- note sarcasm, if you didn't get it! If I was with you now!

Anagramofilove; Why? What would you do ;)

AnonymousBritish; Spank you.

Anagramofilove; Wow, such a gentleman.

AnonymousBritish; More like Hard man *Muscles *

Anagramofilove; No, a hard- ON- man 8=======D ....

AnonymousBritish; No denying that babe ;)

Babe! babe! ...Wow. I squeaked a little.

Anagramofilove; You horny beast.

AnonymousBritish; Please text me in class Olive :(

I looked at the time, oh shit. I had five minutes to get their. I rushed towards the wardrobe and pulled on my Stanford hoody and threw my running shoes into my bag. I didn't bother changing my leggings.

Anagramofilove; I can't, What if I get caught?

AnonymousBritish; Just say it's a family emergency :( You're waiting for updates!!!!!

Anagramofilove; I'm not sure Harry :/

AnonymousBritish; Oh shit, maybe not. My mate just texted me. Looks like I'm off to class, see you. Miss you already Olive :)

"What are you looking at Harry?" I groaned as I focused on the board in front of me. "We could of won that match if it wasn't for you" He spat, I rolled my eyes as I started mimicking him. "I didn't mean to miss it, you were kicking the ball straight towards my face" I turned around in a hushed tone. "You were open and so was the goal. You're such a girl it's unbelievable, maybe the ball would have done something to improve your face" I took in a deep breath "Shut up Styles!" - Ohhhs came from rowdy lads around us. Grantly was too involved in his explanation of a new game he invented. "Make me" Harry smirked.

"F.uck off" I growled.

"What was that Oli?" He tilted his ear towards me.

"I said, F.UCK OFF" I shouted. Only this time, more than the surrounding audience heard me."Dawson, language. Go now!" Professor Grantly was red in the face. This is the first time I have ever been told off by him. I could feel my bottom lip quiver "Aw look, she's going to cry" Ricky shouted from across the lecture hall. All the lads were staring at me, some laughing, some being quiet because they know I will whoop their ass'. "Oli Dawson, I said leave" Grantly was Sternly pointing to the lecture hall door "Go home and cry to your mummy" Harry said in a b.itchy tone "I'm sure Kathryn will join you." I looked at Grantly, then skimmed the hall. I took in a deep breath "She's going to blow" Niall whispered- maybe with a hint of guilt. And Blow I will do. I didn't mean s.exually.

I stand up, slamming my hands onto the wooden desk behind me, what just happened to be Harry's row. "For your information, I am not a p.ussy. I may seem weak sometimes and I may not be good at Football like most of the population of females. But that's because I am a girl. Don't you dare and I mean dare, mention my mother again" Harry stared at me in shock before a smile appeared on his lips. "Miss Dawson. I won't tell you again." - "Is your mum a milf?" All the lads smirked, Grantly went bright red in the face, with embarrassment. I stared deep into Harry's eyes... Never leaving them. Never blinking. Just talking.

"If you like white, ghostly corpses, than yes. My mum is a milf, go ahead... F.uck her. But you'll have to dig her rotting dead body up first." and with that I followed Pr. Grantly's orders. When outside the lecture hall I ran down the corridoor, pulling out my phone and dialling Dan's number.

"Oli, I'll phone you back I'm in the middle of recording a video" -

"But Dan" I sobbed.

"Babe, I'm sorry"

"No, but Dan" The line went dead.

I threw my head up towards the ceiling and let out a ear deafening scream. Making my way towards the dorm room, I hear Kathy on her phone. "You did what?! Harry, I hope you rot in hell for all I care" I opened the door and see Kathryn pasting up and down "You'll wear a hole in the carpet" I threw my phone and keys down onto the side along with my rucksack "She's here. Yeah. Whatever ... No say it yourself. P.iss off Harry" She placed her phone down onto the bed and quickly made her way towards me "Oh my. Are you okay? I can not believe that self centered jerk!" I laughed and wrapped my arms around her waist "I can, I'm going out for a drive. I need some time to think" I picked up my keys from off the side where I dropped them "Want me to come?" I shook my head "No, I just want some alone time" Kathryn understood and smiled "Theirs a knife in the draw near the microwave, I suggests putting his body in the river at night. No one will see. But can I have a lock of his hair." She winks. I stick my thumbs up and laugh "See you later babe".

So this chapter is a little short. I didn't want to carry on though because the next chapter is long enough and I wanted to end this chapter here :) Enjoy. Don't forget to add this book to your library and vote. Meh, you can comment too ;) Thankyou. Stay amazing --- Naomi xox

Anonymous Messaging. Harry Styles.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora