Chapter One

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Carlisle's P.O.V.
It was a normal day at the hospital when I got a call from an orphanage in Seattle. A baby had hurt herself and they wanted me to go and check it out. I agreed and began my drive into Seattle. When I arrived a caretaker greeted me and let me to a middle aged woman. 'Hi, I'm Audrey Kinsley, Sophie's nurse. You must be Dr Cullen.' She says, shaking my hand. 'Hello. I'm Carlisle.' I smile politely. 'Follow me and I'll take you to Sophie.' She smiles. I follow Nurse Kinsley up a flight of stairs and along a corridor. She opens the door and another two nurses are standing by a crib. One is holding the baby girl I'm examining and I might I say the baby is crying rather loudly. I walk over to the two nurses and place my bag on the changing table beside the crib. 'So what happened?' I ask, looking over the small baby. 'Well as you can see she doesn't like many people. She can tolerate me but has a small whine but anyone else she just cries at. Anyway, this morning when Nurse Fowler went to change her, Sophie wasn't happy at all and she started kicking around and hit her head off the side of her changing table.' Nurse Kinsley explains. I nod my head processing what she said. I gently lift the crying child from Nurse Fowler's arms. As soon as the baby girl sits in my arms, she stops crying instantly. I smile down at Sophie who gazes up at me with her big brown eyes. The nurses stand there in shock. 'You must have some gift Doctor.' Nurse Fowler says. I spend a few minutes rocking the tiny baby in my arms. 'She's rather small for 5 months.' I mention. 'She was slightly premature when she was born and she won't eat much even before us. Her parents only had her around a month when they gave her up.' Audrey says. I bounce Sophie ever so slightly and she giggles up at me. I smile and gently sit her down to look at her head. Nurse Kinsley tells the other two nurses to leave so they do. 'Has anyone tried to adopt her?' I ask. 'Plenty of times in her 4 months here but no one could keep her since she just cried.' Nurse Kinsley sighs. 'So we're the only two she doesn't cry for?' I ask. 'Well she whines at me but you, well you seen yourself.' I then focus on Sophie's wound. It's only slight. I cover it with a butterfly stitch and I'm all done. 'There we go. I'll come back in a few days to check on her but for now that's all she needs. If she hurts herself again within the next 3 days then contact me immediately and I'll come out.' I say. 'Okay thank you Dr Cullen.' She says. I smile politely at her before turning back to Sophie. 'Well sweetheart,' I lift her into my arms. 'I'll see you in a few days.' I say and go to hand her over to Audrey. Sophie has a small whine but settles. I smile down at her and turn to leave. I get to the door when I hear a small cry. I turn around and Sophie is watching after me whilst tears form in her little eyes. It breaks my heart. 'Dr Cullen has to go now sweetie.' Nurse Kinsley coos. I go to leave again but Sophie cries again and reaches out to me. I walk back over to Sophie and pick her up and cradle her. I hush her as I rock her back and forth gently. After a few minutes, the baby girl drifts off to sleep in my arms. I smile wide and place her in her crib. I lift my bag again and smile at Audrey. I then head back to Forks. Once I arrive at the hospital, I get straight back into work for my last 3 hours of my shift.
Audrey's P.O.V. (Nurse Kinsley.)
A few hours after Dr Cullen leaves, Sophie finally wakes and when she finds Dr Cullen has left her, she becomes very upset. She cries for 2 hours straight till I can finally feed her a bottle. Around 7.30pm, she dozes off to sleep again hopefully that will be her till morning. I spend a little while doing some paper work from the day then head to bed.
Carlisle's P.O.V.
That night after work, I head home to my wife and our five adopted kids. I adopted them after I changed them or found them. It was a hard thing to change them, me being a vegetarian vampire. You don't think you can stop biting but thankfully I have just enough will power to stop. I hang up coat and head up the stairs. I walk into the living room when my wife Esme is seated watching television with Rosalie and Emmett. 'Hello.' I smile. 'Hi.' Esme says. I place my bag down and sit myself down beside my wife. 'How was work?' She asks. 'Normal day really. Except I met an adorable baby today.' I smile, remembering her beautiful brown eyes. 'A baby?' Esme asks. 'Yes. I was called up to an orphanage in Seattle. A 5 month old baby girl has hurt herself.' I explain. '5 month old? What's a 5 month old baby doing in an orphanage?' Rosalie asks. She always wanted kids. 'She does not take to anyone. She can tolerate her nurse but that's about it. But the strange thing was, the nurse who was holding her, well the baby just cried at anyone but she put her in my arms and Sophie stopped crying instantly.' I smile. 'That's sweet.' Esme says. 'I'm going back to check on her in a few days.' I say. I spend the rest of the night talking with my wife and kids.
A few days later, I return to the orphanage to check on baby Sophie. When I'm led to her room when the door opens, there's a couple in there cradling her. The man turns to me. 'You must be the doctor.' He says. 'Dr Cullen.' I say. 'Toby Pierce.' He says. The woman looks over at me. 'I'm Casey Devlin.' She says, smiling. 'So can you tell us if our baby is all good?' She asks, grinning. Sophie looks over at me with a smile and makes small grabby hands. 'Your baby?' I ask and I lift her up gently. 'We're adopting her.' I take a look at Sophie's head. 'Her head is fine. She'll be alright.' I say. Casey takes baby Sophie from me instantly. 'I'm so glad she's okay.' Toby smiles. The pair then sign some forms and take her away. I then head back to the hospital. I carry on with my day as usual.

First chapter guys, hope you enjoy.

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