- Imagine - Meeting Cam -

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Imagine you were just pulling up in the parking lot with y/f/n with you to the soccer field because y/f/n wanted you to come watch her/him play and plus she/he needed a ride. Parking the car, you turn and look at y/f/n and say "You better go and do some stretches before the game starts!" You said with a smile as you shoved her/him to get out of the car once she/he opened the door on their side which made her/him laugh as they ran off to the field to the team.

You turned your car/truck off and left the keys inside as you opened the door on your side and hopped out carefully, closing the door back once you did. Making your way towards the bleachers too find a spot to sit but as you were passing a truck, you were glancing around and spotted someone very familiar.. A little too familiar and then....... BOOM it came to you as you started to freak out a little bit on the inside, it was, Cameron Dallas!.

Cameron was putting on a shirt, which you didn't mind seeing him shirtless but.. He looked up your way and sent a smile as he slipped the shirt on over his head and onto his gorgeous body. You hadn't noticed you'd been staring at him the whole time in shock but before you knew it, he started to make his way over to you. And you freaked a bit on the inside.

"Hi I'm, Cameron!" He told you with his cheerfully and bright smile as you blushed deeply and responded back with "I know, I mean, Uh.. Uh.. Uhmmmm..... Y/n name is my.." You said getting tongue tied over your words which made him laugh softly before you corrected yourself "I mean, my name is, y/n! Nice to meet you, Cameron!".

And after that moment, you guys sat with each other at the game, talking and joking around, sharing your favorite hobbies with one another and became very close with each other.

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