My End

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The constant passing out

The white hot pain that burns through my body

The horrible state of my mind

As you continue to neglect me

The happiness you show for him

Just graduating from boot camp

That we get to take him home

But only for ten days

The words you say at me

The things you yell at me

The roll of your eyes as you push off my pain

The shrug of your shoulders as you ignore my passing out

The way you push me away to show that I'm not really appart of this family

The way you neglect me

It's no wonder you didn't see the end comming

The end for me

The way I stayed away from you

Crying and screaming from the pain

Asking for help, that only fell upon deaf ears

The knives I brought into my room

The blood on my clothes

You never saw it

Because of him

Because of neglecting me

You never saw my end

An Ended LifeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant