What is he doing Ch.29

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I couldn't get what he was saying. I looked down at Angel. Which had just finished her bottle.

"I'm surprise you had kid. Because of my theory that everyone has it. Then it should have k-" he stopped hearing me crying. He spun on his chair looking at me. I hugged Angel as I fell to my knees crying. Angel started to cry too. I'm a fucking freak. I could have killed my kids. They lived to carry the same curse. Milton walked over and pated my back. I wiped my face and calmed Angel. I stood up and walked away tears in my eyes. How can this be. I really wanted to help people. No no all I can do is kill kill kill. I groaned and walked around to the back of the town. I sit on a rock and put Angel down to crawl. I buried my face in my hands. Why does things always turns to helll for me? Why does this always happens to me? I jumped hearing Angel crying. I rushed over to her. Her little hand was covered in blood. I took my bandana from my back pocket. I gentle wrapped it. I pulled her up rocking her. She soon shushed resting her little head on my shoulder. I looked down at the bloody hand prints. I followed them to a metal door leading down. I quietly sneaked down the stairs. Something about this place gives me the creeps. I kept walking to I heard a scuffled scream or grunt from pain. What the hell is that? I followed it to a two sided mirror. I gasped covering my mouth. There on the other side was Uncle Merle beating the shit out of Glen. My heart droped. No Uncle Merle what are you doing.

"Liking the veiw miss princess." A proud Governor said behind me. I spun around to face him. He caught my arm and grabed Angel away. Who had been asleep on my chest. She started to bawl and throw a fit.

"Give her back!" I growled. He hummes calming Angel. Only making me more pissed. Angel stopped crying at looked down. She nibbled on her little hand.

"Shh we wouldn't want to upsit her now would we." Governor smirked. I bite my tongue. "Milton told me it doesn't matter. We are going on to step two. Oh and if you run off and tell anybody about this down here. I'll kill you then watch little Angel here get tore to shreds."

"FUCK YOU. I rather fight through a herd of 500 walkers then do a devils biding my uncle might give his life to you. BUT IT'LL BE A COLD DAY IN HELL BEFORE I DO." I growled.

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