My guardian Angel Ch.3

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(Daryl P.O.V)

Only halfway down the road almost to the main road. I got a twisted feeling in my gut something I knew. "Stop! Turn this thing around." I demanded. Rick looked at me confused. 
"You heard me turning this fucking thing around," I growled. I didn't need to explain myself to them. Hell if they hadn't left merle we wouldn't be going back.

"Why man, that's a waste of gas? Don't you want to get your brother?" Rick asked.

"Yeah I do but I have a bad feeling," I said turning out the window. "You don't turn this thing around. I'll walk back." Rick shook his head but put it in reverse. I stared at the window. Last time I had this feeling......... It ended with My baby girl ending up in the hospital. There were no hospitals now. That what's worries me even more. I let my mind flash back to that night. The night I nearly lost her.


I drop Merle off at his house. I was ready to get Cherokee and go home. For some odd reason, I had I felt that wasn't going to happen not tonight. I wished I could found her some else to stay with. Hell, I wish her mom give two shits about her. SHe was such a sweet girl I don't see how anyone could just leave her. I sit back in the seat watching headlights past. I soon pulled up to my dad's house. I hated this place. Brought back so many memories. I got out and walked to the door. I knocked twice then jiggled the door. Could be asleep I wasn't going to get her tonight. I heard a scream that made my heart jump. I wasn't going to wait anymore. I broke the doorknob and opened the door. I heard her scream again then a thud. I ran to the room I had left her in. I saw my dad standing over Cherokee. Oh hell no he might have touched me and Merle. He was not going to get away with laying a hand on Cherokee. I punched him hard and down he tumbled. The old man wasn't going to get back up for a while. I knelt down picking up Cherokee. She was so... lifeless. A small steam of blood trailed down her face from her nose and mouth. I knew that wasn't good. I ran to the car buckling her in. I got in and sped toward the hospital. Her face was pale and with every breathe I could tell she was in pain.

"I'm sorry baby girl I shouldn't have left you there. " I muttered letting a tear fall. No one needs that old man.

"It's okay daddy." She said groaning in pain. My heart dropped I knew that it wasn't but I gave her a smile that's the least I could do. Halfway through the ride. She started gasping for air. I had the pedal to the floor. I turned to the main road leading to the hospital. My phone rang. I picked it up but I was more worried about Cherokee. Every moment that past her breathing was worsening.

"Where are you, brother?" Merle asked.

"Cherokee needs to go to the hospital dad is going to die for this shit. He better hold his breath. Because Cherokee ain't doing well. Got to go I'm almost there." I said hanging up.I had talked so fast I doubt he got what I was saying. I turned into the ER part of the hospital. I got out slamming my door. I ran to the other side. Were Cherokee was and open the door. She was pale and limp. I.. could tell she wasn't breathing. My heart leaped in my chest as I ran in with her. The doctors turned to me as I kicked the door open. Tears streaming down my face as they took her from me. She was only eight. She shouldn't be suffering because of my stupidity.

(End of flashback)

We pulled up. I didn't wait I jumped out of the truck. I wasn't going to let my stupidity hurt my little girl again. I saw the girls coming back from the lake. I saw Sophia that was with Cherokee before I left. I ran to her kneeling down a panic in my voice made it crack. 

"Where's Cherokee?" I asked kindly trying to sound calm. She bit her lip before pointing to Ed's tent. 

"I left her there," she muttered knowing something now was wrong too. I felt my anger flare. I ran to his tent.I knew what he did and so help me he better not be. For his own sake. I saw him over her holding her down. Oh, fuck no. A old anger sparked in me something I could not control. I punched him in the face in and couldn't stop. Over and over I just kept hitting him. I wasn't going to take it. I wasn't going to let him forget. I heard gasping behind me and my mind snapped back to the true issue. I turned to Cherokee. I crawled over to her. I picked her up.

"Hold on Cherokee," I said taking off toward the camp. I ran as fast as I could holding her close. I let a tear slide down my face. I soon reached camp. Everyone turned to us. I sit her down on the ground. I had to think. Fuck what am I supposed to do? It's been so long since I had her I don't remember what to do. Everyone was trying to help her. With no luck. I kicked the ground. God fucking remember.

"Daddy......I...dont" she muttered before her eyes rolled. I knelt down feeling her pulse. It was way to fast. I have to do something. I thought came to mind.

"Shit," I growled and stormed to my tent. Just maybe she has them in her bag. She has to take four different pills when she has these attacks. Last I remembered at least. I knelt down looking through her bag. I saw the bear I give her when she went away. I spilled the bag on the ground. I growled when there was none. I threw the bag but heard it rattle still. I picked it up and found a secret pocket. Damn, she's got smart. I reached in and found her pills, pen, pacer and her inhaler. I smirked. That's my girl. I ran back to the camp. I will never forgive my dad for what he did. She was a healthy girl before that happened.I ran back and sit beside her up. 

"Get her some cold water and an old tee shirt now!" I demanded. I took the one piece off of the little pace machine. I placed the price on her finger it checked her heart rate and oxygen. It beeped red singling her heart was to fast and her oxygen low. I unbuttoned her shirt and placed the two stuck pads on her chest. I hope I was doing it right. Hell, I had only had to do this a handful of times and it was so long ago. Merle had more experience. With his drug addict self. I placed the piece back onto the machine. It beeped loudly. Cherokee started shaking. Lori handed me what I had asked for. I slid the shirt on her and carefully slide her dress off. It basically fit her like a dress. I held her close to me. It would take the pace awhile to slow it. I injected her with the pen lowering her blood count helping her gain her oxygen back. I sit down in the dirt rocking her. Last time none of this Shit helped. It better this fucking time. She starts to shake worse. I looked down to notice blood coming out of her mouth. Shit, I whipped it off her face. She was just getting paler and paler. Ever one just sit around hoping for the best. She starts to flinch. I heard the monitor beep rapidly. That didn't mean anything good. I looked at her heart rate and it was just dropping

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