Chapter Seven; Look to You [EDITED]

Start from the beginning

I finally make my way back to the dorms and shower, the warm water repelling all of my headache. I pull on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt, simple was best with me.

"Sarah!" Lizzy's voice booms through the restaurant as I walked in the front door, my ears hearing her before my eyes had found her. She is a funny character, her smile is bigger then her face and her brown eyes big on such a tiny figure.

She was hilarious as well, everything that comes from her mouth was a great joke and she can make me laugh even when in an awful mood.

I look over to the see the coaches crowded into a booth by themselves. Niall sits at the end his hair is done up and he's dressed nicely in a grey sweater and jeans. He looks as good as he did the night he almost kissed me.

"He looks at you different ya know."

She nudges me and raises an eyebrow breaking my stare from him.

"That's because he hates me," I say under my breath, she just laughs at me and pinches my cheek like tiny child and her aunt.

"It's not hate Sarah," she stares at me know and it makes me uncomfortable enough to look down at the menu.

It doesn't last long before my eyes trail back up to Niall, this time his ice blue eyes were staring back at me through the dim lights. Three weeks of avoiding even the slightest eye contact and now, twice in one day? This was more attention than I want from him.

I wish I had continued to hate him, hate him like that day I met him. He was so ignorant and rude, pushy thinking he could have anything he wanted. Slowly as the weeks went on during May I had come to enjoy his antics and stupid manners.

I had come to expect his company but just like that he dropped it, dropped everything.

Dropped me.

"Order me a water?" I say to Lizzy before standing up from the table. I make my way to the back towards the restroom. The hallway is dimly lit and is lined with red fabrics and photos of celebrities that had eaten at the restaurant.

I was staring at a photo of Bono when I feel him come up behind me. His smell giving him away before he even speaks. I love the way he smells.

I turn to look at him against my better judgement, his hands are shoved in his pockets. He only did that when he was nervous, or anxious. "Talking to me twice in one day...whats the occasion Coach?"

I spit the word at him and he cringes at the sound.

"I get it, you're angry."

"Angry is not the word I would use, disappointed, forgotten, tossed aside." I say.

He steps forward into my personal space and I could feel myself biting my lip but if I stopped I was afraid I would cry right there in front of him.  He sighs, taking one hand out of his pocket to nervously run it through his hair.

"Now is not the time," he says "meet me on the field after dinner?"

I just stand there staring at him but he doesn't move and neither do I.

"Please Sarah," he lets a grunt of frustration slip through his lips. "If you don't come tonight I'll leave you alone for good. I'll understand."

I look at him before pushing my way into the bathroom, leaving him behind in the hallway. I find an empty stall and sit down putting my head between my hands. My head is spinning from the recent headache that was still knocking at the base of my skull.

My thoughts were scrambled I can't decide if seeing him tonight was a good or bad idea. All I want is an explanation, but is it worth the hurt and pain that would come with it? I need a reason he just stopped talking to me, after getting that close, coming that far.

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