Chapter 11

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After our game of Racko, which Louis won, Louis stood up and stretched and said, "I'm going to take a small break. I think I'm going to head out and go for a walk. Anyone care to join me?"

I looked up and realized that Louis was looking at me. Did he want me to join him? "I will," I chirped up, standing up and stretching, too. I realized that we've been playing board games for about an hour.

Louis and I left the hotel room, and we headed towards the elevator. "Sorry if I pulled out away from the games. I was just getting cramped up in there and wanted some company." Louis explained sheepishly.

I smiled at him. "No, it's fine. I was getting cramped up too. So where are we walking to?" I asked, striking up a conversation.

Louis shrugged. "Wherever you want, I guess." We exited the hotel and walked out onto the sidewalk. We started walking with the flow of the busy sidewalk traffic, and I looked around for a good place to walk to.

I noticed a Starbucks a few stores away from us. "How about we grab some coffee?" I suggested, motioning with my head towards the Starbucks.

Louis smiled. "Sounds like a plan." Louis held the door open for me and I thanked him with a smile, and we stepped inside the Starbucks. The calming smell of coffee surrounded me, and I let out a soft sigh.

We headed up to the front to order and the guy working behind the counter smiled at me. "Hello, there. What can I get you?"

"Um, can I get S'mores Frappuccino." I said. That's all I've ever ordered here at Starbucks. It's my favorite drink of all time.

"Yes you may," The guy flashed me another big smile and then noticed Louis. "What about you?" He asked, his friendly smile dropping a bit.

"I'll have the same thing." Louis said, with a shrug.

"Okey-dokey." The guy punched in our total and asked, "Which one of you is paying?"

I started reaching for my wallet, but Louis was already swiping his credit card. "It's on me," Louis said, and the guy gestured for us to stand on the side to wait for our coffee.

"You didn't have to do that! I could have paid." I argued.

"What kind of gentlemen would I be if I let you pay?" Louis asked, a grin on his face.

I grinned back, and rolled my eyes playfully. "I'm going to make this up to you." I challenged.

Louis narrowed his eyes playfully back at me. "Oh yeah? How?"

I thought for a little. How could I make this up to him? "Well, I can't tell you because what kind of surprise would it be if I spoiled it? You'll just have to wait and find out." I said, happy with my answer. Truth be told, I have no clue what I'm going to do for him, I'm just buying time.

Louis smirked and said, "Fine, you win-this time!"

I laughed as our coffee was brought to us. "Enjoy!" The worker said, and he flashed me a big smile. "Come back soon."

Louis and I thanked him and headed over to a table by the windows. We sat across from each other and slowly sipped on our drinks. After taking a long pull from mine I let out a satisfied sigh.

"I love ordering the s'mores drink. I basically live on it!" I gushed happily, taking another sip from it.

Louis chuckled quietly and drank from his own.  "It's not too bad." He commented, nodding his head. He licked his lips and looked up at me. "So Riley, I was wondering if you would want to come see a concert with me tomorrow." Louis said, looking a bit nervous.

"Really?" I asked, shocked. "Who are you seeing?"

"I got tickets to see The Fray." He said, and I could see how happy that made him. I vaguely remember Kate saying something about how Louis likes that band.

"Sure! I love them!" I said, nodding my head.

"Really? Sweet! The concert's at eight." He let out this little sigh of relief. "I wasn't sure if you would want to go and see them because apparently not many people are fans of The Fray, but they're my favorite band. I wanted to go see them, and Harry probably wouldn't want to go because Harry doesn't like The Fray that much and I wasn't sure if you would or not." Louis rambled nervously, and I laughed, cutting him off. "What?" He asked, his cheeks getting red.

"Lou, you don't have to be as nervous. I already said I'm going." I said, my tone causal.

Louis let out a nervous laugh and said, "You're right. Sorry."

I realized that Louis was really nervous, and I felt my protective side kicking in. I reached over and touched my hand lightly to his. I looked at him in the eyes and said quietly, "Louis, are you okay?"

Louis stared at our hands for a little and then brought his eyes up to mine. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just weird being back in Doncaster. There's...a lot of memories here." Louis let out a shaky laugh.

"Hey, if you ever need to talk about anything, I'm here." I stated, wanting him to know that he can trust me.

Even though Louis didn't always notice me in the past doesn't mean that I didn't notice him. I saw him...Well I saw him as a jerk, but I realized that he's much more than that. He isn't just a jerk. He's a nice guy, and like Kate's been trying to show  me, he's has feelings. He's a real person, and I feel bad for how I treated him in high school. Then again, he should feel sorry for how he treated me too.

"Sorry for how I acted him high school," I said to him. He probably doesn't even remember how I acted though.

Louis opened his mouth and looked like he wanted to tell me something, but closed it and shut his mouth. He closed his eyes for a minute and said, "High school? Oh yeah, I think I remember you there."

He thinks? Looks like we're back to square one.

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