Chapter 37 - Fighting Back

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As the children slept I talked to Mrs. McCartney about her children, how she was since the breakdown of her marriage and her previous depression issue. She was open, honest and frank.

My findings as to Mrs. McCartney's mental health are this – she is a calm, intelligent and caring woman who has no issues despite the enormous stress her current marital situation has caused to her. Her children are happy and contented and very well cared for. She does admit that now she is heavily pregnant she is unable to carry or cuddle the children in the way she would like to  however this does not appear to have had any impact on the children. Mrs. McCartney clearly is a fantastic loving parent to those children and I would particularly like to praise the lady known as Rose. She provides Mrs. McCartney with the physical support she needs this late in pregnancy but is also clearly very fond of her and the children. They make a happy stable family for the children and the new baby too, to be brought up in.  Therefore my recommendations are that Mrs. McCartney should remain the main carer for these children. To remove the twins and the baby yet to be born from this wonderful setting would be highly damaging for both mother and children."

Michelle stared at her feet. She was shaking and her teeth were chattering. She could not believe her ears. Slowly she raised her head and allowed herself to look in Paul's direction. He was looking straight back at her, his face impassive. Suddenly the judge spoke.

"The court has listened carefully to all the reports in this case. I think they provide us with a straight forward solution in this situation. Firstly, the court rules that the twins and the new baby are to remain in the custody of their mother. The mother has no issues with mental health or ability to care for her children effectively. However, Mr. McCartney has stated that his wife has prevented him from seeing his children since the break down of their marriage. Although Mrs. McCartney disputes this, I state that those children need both parents and that Mrs. McCartney, I plead to your goodness as a parent to allow access at times when it is convenient for you and your children's routines.

Mr. McCartney, I feel that the charges you brought about your wife  were done so maliciously. You should be proud that your wife is able to bring your children up so well. Whatever the differences that led to the breakdown of your marriage, they should be put behind you both and your focus should be on your children.

Court please rise."

Michelle couldn't move. After all the stress and anxiety of the last few months was finally hitting home. George Martin squeezed her hand and roused her from her weariness. She stood and followed him out of the court room. As she was about to get into the car she heard someone call her name. She turned. It was Paul walking towards her. She stood and waited.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for everything. I know you're a good mum."

Michelle mumbled her thanks and turned to get in the car. As she was driven away she saw that Paul was watching her.

George Martin dropped her off at the house after declining to come in. Michelle put the key in the lock and went in. She walked down the hall way and into the kitchen where she could hear the happy squeals of the children. She pushed the door open to find Richard sat on the floor rolling a toy car between the twins. Rose went to her.

"How did it go?"

"Let me sit down," said Michelle wearily, "Then I'll tell you then." She sat down and looked at their expectant faces. Suddenly she started to cry.

Rose put her hand to her mouth. "No!"

Richard put his arm around her. "What happened?

"They're safe," she whispered, "They stay here. I'm just so relieved. It's all been such a nightmare! And I'm so tired!"

Rose hugged her. "I knew you'd keep them. That doctor made lots of nice comments about you to me."

Michelle struggled to stand up and walked to where here children were now squabbling over the toy car. She picked her son up and hugged him tight. He struggled in her arms, his attention on the car his sister now held. Rose took him from her and Michelle picked up Kathryn. Kathryn dropped the car and focused on her mother.

"Mamama," she said hugging her.

"Did you hear that?" said Michelle, an enormous grin on her face, "She said Mum!"

Michelle sat down and perched Kathryn on the edge of the table facing her and talked to her. Rose made Michelle a sandwich which she began to eat gratefully. Kathryn decided it looked good and helped her to eat it, Michelle feeding her little pieces. Her brother noticed this and demanded to come up to share too. Rose prepared them their evening meal in order to give Michelle a little peace. Once they were in their high chairs, Michelle found the tiredness having more of an effect. She yawned constantly and her eyes drooped.

"Go to bed Michelle, these two will be fine with me." said Rose softly.

She shook her head. "No, I'm fine. Anyway, you've had them all day."

"Michelle love," said Richard, "Rose is right. You're exhausted. You go up and sleep. I can stay over and help with the twins. They'll be absolutely fine. Come on, all this stress isn't good for you now. You need your strength."

Michelle looked at them both. She felt very tempted. "Are you sure?" She looked from Rose to Richard. "I just feel as though I've put on you so much recently."

"And no doubt it will get worse over the next few weeks and once the baby is born, but we're happy to help." said Richard softly, "Now sleep Michelle, you'll be no use to anyone exhausted."

Eventually she agreed. She kissed her children good night and wearily went to bed. She did not stir until she heard the soft murmurings of one of the children the next morning. She got up and tiptoed down the landing. Kathryn was awake. Michelle picked her up and took her downstairs so as not to disturb the rest of the household. Kathryn was eating her breakfast in her high chair when Michelle heard the cries of James. After placing him alongside his sister, she spent a pleasant couple of hours with them. Michelle realized, for the first time in a long time, that she felt happy. Now that the stress of the court was over and a good sleep she was ready to tackle anything.

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