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Worried Kagami decided to see how Kuroko is doing. He went to the apartment where Kuroko and Kise lived. Seems like no one is there. He then thought that maybe his on his old home.

Kagami rang the door bell no one answered.

He rang it again.


Kagami heard a loud noise. He had a bad feeling about the sound the had heard.

Kagami opened the door it wasn't locked.

"Kuroko?! Are you here?!" Kagami called as he entered the house.

No one answered. Kagami walked inside. He suddenly stop.

Kagami was terrified as he saw Kuroko lying on the floor.

"Kuroko!!" Said Kagami as he called the man's name.

The man rushed to lying man. He puts his head onto his lap.

"Kuroko wake up. Please wake up" said Kagami as he tries to wake up Kuroko.

Kuroko didn't wake up. He then called 911.


At the hospital.

"Kuroko!" shouted Kagami as the nurses took Kuroko away.

They check his vital signs then put I.V drop on him.

The doctor asked Kagami what happened. He said he doesn't know and he just went to his house and then he saw him lying on the floor.


After hours of waiting the doctor approached Kagami.

"He is stable now. We'll continue to examine him when he wakes up." Said the doctor.

Kagami stayed with Kuroko as he sleep.

Kuroko opened his eyes and look to his side.

"Kagami kun where am I? " asked the teal head.

"You're at the hospital I went to your house to see how you doing then I found you lying on the floor. " explained Kagami.

"Ah is that so. thank you Kagami ku- ugh" Kuroko puts his hand on his stomach.

"Kuroko what's wrong?" Asked Kagami.

"My ...My stomach hurts. " said Kuroko.

Kagami calls the doctor.

The doctor does some palpation there is some bulk on his lower abdomen.

"Does it hurt when I press here?" Asked the doctor as he press his hands in the bulk.

Kuroko said yes.

The doctor asked for a blood analysis. Seems like Kuroko has  a high count of WBC and Hcg level.

The doctor asked for urine analysis then ask the nurses to prepare the tealhead for sonography. The doctor thinks this bulk the touch must be a tumor or something.

They brought Kuroko to the examination room. The doctor asked Kuroko to lift his shirt. He then put some gel on his abdomen and turned on the screen. The doctor was shocked about what he saw.

"What's wrong with me sensei?" Asked Kuroko as he look at the expression of the doctor.

The doctor couldn't answer.

"Tell me what's wrong with me!" shouted Kuroko as he started to cry

"Kuroko-kun...I-I think you're pregnant."

Regrets[Kikuro]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن