Chapter 1- New Friends

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Ciel P.O.V
There's this one girl at my school. I don't know her name and I don't know anything about her but something about her just......catches my eye. I see her every day during lunch but whenever I open my mouth, she puts on a hood and walks away. There are rumors being spread about her being abused at home and that someone should help her but everyone says she hasn't said a word since school started.

"Hey Ciel did ya hear? That girl came to school today with a bandage over her eye. If that's not abuse, I don't know what is" my friend, Alois, whispered in my ear. I reached up to touch the eye patch on my eye. When I was younger, I'd had a chemical spilled into my eye turning it purple. I hate it.

"Maybe she just had some sort of accident" I really didn't like the fact that everyone just assumes this girl is abused. In all honesty I tried my best not to think it true. I was going to talk to her. It became more of a goal rather than just a task.

~Time skip brought to you by fanfiction. Mmmm, think of the yaoi xD~

It was lunch period. Finally. It was the only time I saw her every day so I rushed outside with my lunch and waited for her. Not that I was stalking her or anything but she sits beside the same tree every day. Just as I predicted, she came outside and sat beneath the tree, pulling her knees to her chest and the hood over her head. I took my lunch box and walked over to sit beside her. She must not have noticed me because she didn't get up this time.

"Hi" I sat down beside her and she remained the same. A breeze blew and the hood was blown off her head. She was beautiful. Her (h/c) hair was (h/l) and beautiful. The rumors were true. She had a bandage covering her right eye just as my eye patch covered mine and the left sparkled (e/c). She directed her gaze to me and I could see everything written on an expressionless face.

"H-hi" her voice was quiet as she turned her gaze ahead.

"What's your name?"

"I can't tell you"

"Why not?" I guess I might have been a bit to assertive because she pulled the hood back over her head to hide her face.

"I just can't. I have to go" she quickly got up and ran off, her hood now covering her head. It wasn't until I looked at a shard of glass that I noticed I was blushing.

Your P.O.V

Someone tried to talk with us. Mother would be mad. If she knew, they'd be painted in red.

The voices echoed in my head. I wanted to make them stop. But they were telling me a truth I didn't want to face.

Mother is waiting with the whip. She's going to hit us with it to paint us in red.

It was still lunch time so I found a different tree to sit under. I felt tears come from my eye. She could know. She could think I made a friend. She would want to hurt me for being happy.

Mother says we shouldn't talk to anyone. We were disobedient

The voices kept telling me that I was going to have my ass kicked later. My mom had already taken my eye out for me speaking when I was supposed to be being quiet. She has it at home in a jar to mock me.

She's waiting for us. To paint us in red.

The voices rang through my head. I covered my ears to make them stop but no matter how hard I tried, the voices would never stop telling me the harsh truth.


My mother's words rand through my head. Reminding me how worthless I am. Reminding me that no one cares. The only reason my mother puts me through this is because my father left her. He 'cheated' on her and she blames me because I wasn't "the perfect child" to make him happy. She's desperate for love and I know this.

"Hi" a blonde boy from sat next to me. As I got up to leave, he grabbed the skirt of my uniform and pulled me back into place. "Don't leave so soon. That's rude"


Mother will be mad if we talk to more people. She will want to paint everything in red. In our red

The voice called out to my wrong doing. The voice of a frightened little girl, too timid to do anything. Too scared to fight for her life.

"My name is Alois. I saw you talking to my friend Ciel earlier. It's very rare that I see you talking to someone. Or remove this silly hood you're wearing" he pulled the hood off my head and I quickly returned it to its position, pushing his hand away. "Oh don't be that way now. You shouldn't seclude yourself from everyone else. It's bad for you" he tugged on the sleeve of my hoodie. Then it hit me. A rock to my forehead.

"Oww!" I rubbed my probably bruised forehead and scanned to see who threw it when a girl rushed over to me.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for that to hit you! Are you okay?"

"Why are you throwing rocks Lizzy?" Alois began questioning the girl.

"Well, Ciel told me to get your attention but to not disturb her" Lizzy began twirling her hair between her fingers nervously. I looked past her to see the same boy I was talking to earlier hiding behind a table. While Alois and Lizzy argued, I slipped away and walked over to the table Ciel was sitting behind. He didn't seem to notice me until I hit him in the back of the head with a rock.

"Oww! What was that for?!" he looked at me with anger then his gaze softened.

"You had your friend hit me with a rock" he smiled a bit and pulled me down next to him.

Mother will be upset. She will be waiting.

I was being bad. Mother would be waiting to punish me. She is waiting to draw blood. Then the unexpected happened. He pulled me closer as if we were friends.

All of a sudden, the voices disappeared. I'd never felt a touch like this before. It was, warm, and comforting. Did I really make a friend after all this time?

Hey guys Jas here. A new story and as you probably guessed, it's a CielxReader for all of my lovely persons out there who want a love story with the famous Phantomhive child. Two words for the plot. 'High school'. This is a high school story and follows high school life without the whole demonic twist as seen in the original series. I am literally going to incorporate like, all the characters into this. As high school kids. You're all like, 14 years old but ya know, some kids (reader) just gotta have a tragic backstory to go with their life (no offense to any children who have actually been abused before. If so, I'm so sorry -hugs4u-). So, enjoy what's to come.

A Forgotten Smile (Ciel x Abused!Reader) Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now