Chapter 1

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I glance around, finally seeing some prey. A small vole scrambles in a little dirt hole, trying to get out as it was stuck.

I grinned and sneaked up to it. "It's already alarmed, no need to alarm it more now.."

My belly was close to the ground, as I used my stealth skills that I learned long ago.

"Time to put your miseries to an end, little rodent!" I leap onto the vole, ending it's life with a deadly bite with my sharp fangs, pulling it out from the tiny hole it was forcimg itself in.

I bite onto it's lifeless body, carrying it off onto some place near that would hopefully be my shelter. From a long distance, I see a dark, big cave. My hopes have grown. That's until I saw a huge storm cloud ahead.

"Ugh another storm? Don't tell me this can be as bad as yesterday's storm!" I argued, with my muffled voice.

I headed off to my destination, which was nearly close. I felt a small raindrop fall onto my shoulder. My ears lay flat against my head, furiously. I picked up my pace and arrived at the cave. Luckily I arrived on time and heard the rain thudding behind me.

The cave had a horrible stench, but one I can get used to. As I set down my precious fresh-kill in a little sandy hole, I peered into the darkness of the cave. It seemed to go even deeper than I thought.

My fur shook as I heard rustling. It didn't come from inside the cave. It was just the wind blowing leaves outside. I sighed with relief and settled in my new, temporary shelter.

There was some grass poking out of cracks from the edgy corners. Some small spikes were hanging off the rocky ceiling. And the cold, stone floor was unwelcoming but unusually smooth.

"I suppose this will become my shelter for the night" I smiled with joy as my tail waved side to side showing comfort. "Now, where to start.. I need a bed.."

I head out the cave, darting from one tree to another, trying to quickly avoid the thundering rain. It was much worse than yesterday's, and it wasn't doing much help. Probably for the Clans, somehow, I thought.

I always knew about clans. The stories other loners like me heard about dashed through every part known. All cats even outside of the forest knew about clans living here, but they always say its nonsense and foolishness.

The clans always found use to something. I didn't even know how they can do such a thing. My heart sank at the thought of always having someone to protect you and to stand by your side. But.. me? I was just as boring as a loner you find picking trash on the graypath(Thunderpath/road).

I started to focus on the more important thing. The sun was going to set soon already so I didn't have as much time. "Where to find moss for bedding?" I thought aloud as I jumped onto a tree branch under the welcoming, sheltered heap of leaves above me. I shot a glance at every corner of my eye. Then I smelled something strange below me. My eyes started to widen with fear as I led my eyes to look beneath the branch. It was nothing, just a scent marker. I'm in clan territory! I was scared as a mouse. But part of me was happy, knowing that I might get a chance to meet these certain cats.

Though, I did need to settle for the night and less worry about this marked territory. The sky was streaked with a bright orange and dark red. The sun was barely visible but could've been seen through some of the trees ahead.

I found a small pond that was deep enough to reach my belly. My fur was plastered with rain, although I tried not to get wet, but forgot anyways. I growled at the thought of sleeping with wet, soaked fur. I scanned the pond, trying to avoid the marshy mud around it. Though there was moss, so I jumped into the mud, thinking it would make anything better for myself. Yet, I made the worse choice. My legs were streaked with mud and so was my underbelly. My tail was fluffed up with disgust as I stuck out my legs up completely to try and go over the mud. I found moss lining the mud between the pond. Goodness gracious! My eyes widened. This was enough moss to make bedding for every cat in a clan! I picked some up with my ears laid back. This was so uncomforting, I just wanted to jump in the pond, and drown myself with my face completely in the water. I had to deal with this problem anyways, whether I liked it or not. I grabbed some extra moss since my jaws could hold more.

"This will be enough" my muffled voice was worse than carrying that vole from earlier.

I jumped out of the mud, my hindlegs crashed into the edge of the mud. Even more mud was streaked onto my backside. I ignored it, there was way worse that can happen if I didn't get to my shelter soon.

I darted past the trees, trying to avoid the rain although it got lighter. My nose was scrunched up from the terrible smell of the moss. And the fact that I had to hold it tight with a good grip was awful. But this was all worth my bedding and for my comfort. Except this was wet moss, which I completely forgot about.

I shrugged, knowing that I had to sleep somehow anyways, and it was NOT going to be on the hard stone floor. And I should probably get going now, other creatures might claim my shelter. My fur bristled at the thought of the last time I saw a badger, when I had a small group of cats. It was our little "clan" I suppose. The badger was near our territory, and it had 2 young cubs. It was terrifying at first, until we drove it out. I was glad, but then my heart sank. Having a group was fun, although I had to live this life now.

My thoughts faded as I entered the cave from the long trip. It seemed long but it actually wasn't.

I sniffed around the cave, but the stench still lay in there. I heard echoes from voices and my eyes stretched wide as I peered through the cave. I couldn't make out anything, only the voices were heard. I remembered how deep the cave was when I first found it. It must go deeper than I expected if cats can be heard by echoes.

I placed down the moss. The rain behind me wasn't helping at all. It was frustrating trying to clear out the voices even more, and I had no choice but to go check out what's happening anyways.

I had to be as quiet as a sleeping mouse. My paws were lifted quietly from the stone floor beneath, but I quickened my pace. What if there was another exit through this cave? What if they left and I couldn't figure out who they were. I had to know, or else I had to leave this cave and find another. I didn't even now if they're settled here.

Their voices became more fainter and farther. "No!" I gasped under my breath. I started to break into a run. My pawsteps were louder, but I was blinded by confusion, anger and fear.

Then, I halted as I saw a small tunnel leading into a bigger part of the cave. I peered through the tunnel, seeing a heap of fur. I squinted even more and saw a tiny face with it's little pink mouth mewling hungrily. And I started to hear even more mews.

I gasped. "Kits?" Silently, I looked more deeper. There couldn't just be a pile of kits in a place like this! Maybe the mother was around. Or even, both
of the parents..

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