2: The Truth

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Elizabeth's POV:

I wake up in Marshall's paws. He's still asleep so I carefully slip out of his hold. I tip toe outside the sky is purple and turning pink. I would say it's like 5 in the morning.

I head into the woods when I hear a rustling in the bushes.

"Hello? Cade? Macy?" I call out. Suddenly a pup comes springing out of the bushes.

We tumble and roll a few times over then I pin the pup to the ground.


He flips me over so that now I'm being pinned to the ground. He starts laughing which makes me laugh too.

"You know Marshall is a lucky pup." He says getting off of me.

"And why is that?" I ask the German Shepard pup.

"Because he has such a beautiful girl he can call his." Cade says making me blush.

"What about Macy?" I say. His face drops and he looks at me like he's about to smack me.

"Would you let me compliment you? Your basically my sister in law. Why do you assume everyone's always flirting with you?" He says. I playfully hit him on the shoulder. But then I hits me what he says.

"Hey, are you okay?" He says stepping in front of me to make me stop. I can't look into his eyes even though he's trying to find them.

"The reason I always assume people are flirting with me is because they usually did used to. I was not only the Chiefs daughter, but I don't look half bad either. They would say comments like the one you did and I would reject them." I look up into Cade's eyes. "The only pup I've ever wanted was Marshall."

Cade puts his paw on my shoulder. "And now you do. So you don't have to worry about people flirting with you because you just tell them another pup already stole your heart."

Cade always knows what to say.

Rocky's POV:

Tammy is really cute. And she's really smart and nice and laughs at my jokes. And she has the most beautiful chocolate eyes and she looks so good in her pink bow. Not that I'm paying attention or anything.

Ok maybe I am. Sue me.

She's all I think about her my whole run. I didn't know I could be like that, obsessive.

I run up to the house. I start my post-workout stretches and Skye comes out.

"Hey Skye." I say. She looks startled at the sound of my voice.

"Oh uh hi." She says. She starts to walk off.

"Where are you going?"

"Nowhere." Skye says. It's not like Skye to keep secrets. I run after her and stop her in her tracks.

"Skye, where are you going?" I ask again.

"To see an old friend." She says quickly.

"Who?" I ask.

"Goodness what's with all the questions?" She says nervously.

"Who are you going to go see Skye." I say looking at her in the eye.

"Why do you care?"

"So I can tell Ryder and anyone else who asks where you went." I say.

"Tell them I went to see an old friend." She says calming down a bit.

"Does Ryder know?"


"Yes or no Skye."

"No. Can I please go now?" She says trying to get around me. I don't let her.

"Does Chase know?" I ask.

"Yeah, he knows I'm going." Skye says. "Now can I please go now please?" I move out of the way and she sprints off.

That was weird. Skye never lies but she didn't say the whole truth either. I wonder why she was in such a rush to see an "old friend." Who could it be that she couldn't tell me? I guess she told Chase so at least someone knows.

I go up the elevator. Tammy's sitting on the couch sleeping but when the elevator doors open her ears perk up and she lifts her head to see. She smiles at me.

"Hi Rocky! How was your run?" She says.

"It was great, how was your nap?" I say smiling at her.

"Peaceful, something you guys don't get a lot of huh?" She says.

"Yeah, there's always new pups in here, usually just Elizabeth." I say jumping up on the couch next to her. "Sorry I'm a little sweaty." She giggles next to me.

"You all have been so kind to me. It's just so hard seeing your brother after we've been split for so long." She says.

"Yeah, Marshall and Chase went through a similar thing last year." I say.


"No, they had an evil house and their siblings were trying to kill them. But they're super close now, just like they were as kids." I say. With a nervous laugh.

"Oh my pup, that sounds like a handful." She says and I laugh.

"Yeah well I wasn't there for most of it. Only heard the stories of this pup named Josh who was actually Cade and Chase's albino little brother and caused a whole lot of trouble for Skye, Chase, Marshall, Cade, Macy, and even Elizabeth, but she kind had her own problems." I say.

"That sounds awful. Do you know the whole story?" She asks.

"Yeah, Marshall told Zuma and I one night." I say.

"Do you mind telling me?" She asks with her beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

"It's a long story." I say suddenly feeling nervous.

"We've got time." She says laying down. She pats the seat gesturing for me to do the same.

"I'm sweaty." I say.

"I don't mind." She says smiling. "I like to hear you talk." I try to hide my blush. I lie down next to her. She leans up against me and I feel butterflies in my stomach, I hope she doesn't feel them too.

"It all started one day before Ryder even had any of us. The police station called..."

And I told her the whole story. It took all day and well though the night. She listened to me the whole time and asked questions when she didn't understand. She found it a lot less confusing then when Marshall told it to Zuma and I.

God she's perfect.

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