Almost the Beginning.

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My mom tells me I shouldn't spend so much time online. Honestly, idk what she's talking about :/ 

That's what she always says when I try talk to her. And that I need more "exercise". I hate talking to her. Do you ever feel like the let down of the family? Or as Kit-Kat put it in About Time the "faller". Every family has one. Sometimes I think it's me. I see my brothers out doing things and winning things and having a great time..and then there's me. The only thing I have to show for myself is a collection of unfinished drawings and extremely rare Pepes. But these days I don't feel  like doing anything. Not even art. 

It's hard to talk about my feelings when I don't even know exactly what I'm feeling. So in the end I just don't. I hide everything from the world and myself. That's why seeing a doctor or therapist would be pointless. How am I meant to explain to them what I don't even know myself? But at the same time, I know I need help. I just need to find someone to help me.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2015 ⏰

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