Minutes later she finally got out of the jungle to an open field, she groaned when she looked, there was a giant electrical fence, she walked to it and grabbed a little stick that was on the floor and throw it to fence, she closed her eyes waiting for the sound but nothing happened, quickly she touched the fence with her hand, nothing happened, she sighed relieved, at least she wouldn't have to find another way, she was just going to climb it.

Far in the distance the sound of the T-Rex roar was heard, quickly she started to climb the fence. When she was on the top she stopped tired, she was starving and all she wanted was just a little bit of water, sighing she started to go down slowly, hallway down the a warning light of the fence began to flash, coming back to life. Aella's eyes went wide.

"Damn it" she muttered panicking and started to climb down faster. The sound of the alarms was beating faster. She suddenly stopped and looked down, it wasn't so high, so she jumped and landed on the floor, almost hyperventilating from the panic she grabbed one stick that was close to her and throw it to the fence, the stick was throw back far away from the electricity. Aella's eyes widened "Are they trying to kill me or what?" she asked in disbelief, closing her eyes she lay on the floor trying to calm down.


She finally had crossed the camp and unfortunately for her she had to enter again into the jungle. The moment she reached the center she definitely will go to the restaurant and eat everything.

She stopped walking when she saw what looked like a rifle hanging on a branch of a tree, looking around she started to walk to it slowly.

"Hello?" she asked, but no one responded.

She grabbed the gun and looked at it, confused she looked around, she stopped walking when she felt something on her feet, slowly she looked down to see a bloody hand, her eyes scanned the whole zone, there was a lot of blood and pieces of a body all over, she wanted to scream but she covered her mouth with her hand, hearing the sound of a few branches break she turned to saw a Velociraptor in front of her. It hissed at her, she took a few steps backwards but with every step it started to take too forwards to her, not far away from her she spotted the center, or it almost looked like it was.

She was going to regret was she was going to do because it was most likely that her plan wouldn't work, but either way she was already dead in her mind. Quickly she lifted the gun and started to shoot at it, the raptor hissed in pain and Aella started to run to the building still with the gun sometimes she turned around to shoot again in case it was following her.

Almost relieved she walked up the stairs and entered the center, she closed the doors and looked around to see if the other were close, because she knew there were others, velociraptors didn't hunt alone.

Running around, she tried to find someone but there was no one, she finally entered the restaurant and saw Lex and Tim. Tim turned to look at her and smiled.

"Aella, you are alive" he said happily and ran to hug her. Lex turned too and did the same. Surprised at their actions she hugged back.

"Where is my dad?" she asked them worried.

"He is fine, he went to look after Ellie" Lex told her. Aella nodded, Lex looked at the gun the girl carried "Why you have a gun?" she asked her scared. But before she could respond Tim's eyes widened when he saw behind Aella's shoulder. Behind her, one of the silhouettes on the mural was a raptor, in a hunting pose. While he stared, the silhouette of a real raptor moved out from behind it and creped forward, in the lobby of the visitor's center. He lifted his hand pointed at it. Aella turned around when she saw it, her eyes widened. She turned back to the kids and grabbed their arms and ran to the kitchen. She closed the door behind her.

•Survival Of The Fittest• |Owen Grady| Jurassic WorldWhere stories live. Discover now