"What is you're favourite musical?" She asks me.

"Les Miserable"

"I seen that once, Cried me eyes out" she laughed.

"So did I, but its still my favourite. I dream of playing the lead part in it someday" I tell her and she raises her eyebrows and smiles.

"Is that what you wanna do when you leave school?"

"Yeah" I smile, I don't think the smile had left my face at all over the past couple of hours.


By the end of the night I found out so much about her, I literally felt like I had known her my whole life. I knew what she liked, what she didn't like, to her fave film, to cartoon. Everything. Well maybe not everything but it felt like everything. I love how we have both hit it off, especially since I've been anti-social for the past year, it felt good to be in someone's company, someone my age, someone who didn't judge me and I was able to be myself. I think I had laughed more tonight than I had in the whole year.

"I really should get going" I smile sadly.

"You can stay here if you like" She says looking at the time. It had just gone midnight.

"I really should go, I need to make sure my mum is okay" I tell her and it felt good not having to lie to her, make up some stupid, over used excuse that I always gave, the same excuse that no one ever questioned, maybe they just didn't care.

In all honesty I could have stayed there forever, I didn't want to go home but I knew I had to.

"Okay, let me drive you" She says as she stands up and lifts her hoody.

"Cheryl I will get a taxi, You don't have to" I tell her, Not wanting to have her drive me home, only to come all the way back, it would be about 1am the time she got home to her bed. She shook her head though while she lifted her shoes and put them back on.

"I'm driving you, You can sit and argue all you want but in the end I'd still be driving you home, so it'd be a waste of time"

Damn she's good.

"are you sure, it wouldnt be any hassle getting a taxi" I tried but she was still having none of it as she picked up her car keys.

"Okay fine" I said as I stood up and winced a little bit., I had sat that long that my body had tensed up, especially where I had been hurt in yesterdays fight.

"You alright?" She asks me as she turns around quickly, coming over to me.

"Yeah, fine, just sat a bit too long I think" I laugh, trying to brush it off, not wanting to act like a drama queen.

She accepts my answer and we head out to her car, running into it quickly as the rain pours down.

I thank her once again as we pull up outside my home, thank her for everything, for listening to me, she shakes her head not wanting to hear it, but I carry on regardless.

"Go to bed Kimberley I will see you tomorrow morning" She smiles, totally ignoring my babbling.

"Okay, Thanks" I say again and she just laughs as I climb out the car, she waves as she reverses out my drive and heads away. Once Again I look forward to the morning.


"You know we should just skip school today, go have some fun" Cheryl says as soon as I sit down in her car, Ive only just woken up and it takes me a few seconds to register what she has said. I think I'm still half asleep.

"what?" I say, Looking at her as though she had gone crazy.

"What is one day going to do eh?, I reckon you need it"

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