Chapter Two - An Unlikely Seeing

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Days had past and I just couldn't stop looking at the ring. My ring. I am to be married! That thought just couldn't get out of my head.

"Lauren, are you okay?" asked my finance.

My head immediately met popped up and found his eyes. We were having some coffee at a local coffee shop, just chatting about wedding plans.

"Yeah. Yeah, sorry. I just can't stop looking at it," I confessed awkwardly, having my eyes look at my diamond ring.

"Are you having second thoughts?" Ryan took my hand and deeply looked into my eyes.

"No! No of course not." I smiled and gave his hand a squeeze. "You are the one."

Ryan grinned and laughed a bit. "Good. Cause I know you're the one for me."

Smirking, he quickly planted a small kiss on my cheek. I bit my lip as warmth filled my body and my stomach turned at his affection.

He sighed and looked away for a moment. "You wanna take a walk?"


After leaving a tip for our waiter, we soon left the coffee shop. Hand in hand, we walked downtown, admiring some of our small shops that we adore and remember amazing moments together in this big city.

"So many good memories here. Right, Lauren?" asked Ryan as we walked past a particular bench.

"Yeah. One of the best." I clearly remembered that bench. It was the one where we first met and even had our first kiss. How could I ever forget that one.

Soon, we entered into the not-so-fantastic part of town, the ghetto area. While Ryan gave me a squeeze with my hand, I immediately knew we should head back. He knew how I felt around these areas and he also didn't enjoy it too.

But then, my nightmare came true.

As soon we turned around, a criminal gang was a few feet away from us, looking at us with guns and clubs. Chains, saggy jeans, tank tops and over sized shirts with cigarettes and boozes. Something you don't want to see everyday.

"Hey, I know you!" one of them said as he pointed to Ryan. They started coming closer to us as we planted our feet to the ground.

Ryan chuckled, almost sounding scared, and replied, "Um, I believe I don't know you."

The guy who just spoke to us was now at his face. "Don't deny it in front of your girl, boy. It just makes you look stupid."

He now was inches away from his face. "You know you owe us."

"Ryan, what's going on?" I asked, feeling insecure and frightened by these men.

"Nothing. Nothing. C'mon." Ryan turned us around, but I guess the men didn't like that because the next thing we knew, the guys turned Ryan around forcefully, making me let go his hand and punched him square in the eye.

I screamed as now the men had grabbed me harshly by the arms, pulling me away from Ryan, who was now being beaten up like crap. Tears started rolling as the men held me while I tried to get out. Kicking and screaming but no one hearing, they brought us to an alley way. Pinning banged-up Ryan against the wall and me too, the men asked Ryan questions I would never suspected he had done.

"Where's our money?!"

"What money?" cried bruised Ryan.

"The money you took, you douche!"

My chest felt like there was no air and all I could think about was Ryan and how we need to get out of this mess.

"Ryan, what's he talking about?" I asked, half crying.

The African man talking to Ryan, now came towards me. Ryan squirmed as the man strolled at me, making me feel he was going to beat me or worse.

"You're boyfriend here borrowed some big bucks from us, sweetheart." He pulled out his gun suddenly and started almost admiring it. "And we want it back."

"Don't you dare touch her!" yelled bloody Ryan and immediately got punched again.

The gangsta's hot breath hit my face as he spoke to me closely. "Plus, our boss isn't very happy and he would love to see his and perhaps your head on a plate for. He's pretty powerful you see. Could snatch your money like that!" He snapped his fingers and laughed while the others joined him.

I grit my teeth and rolled my eyes, but honestly, I was terrified. What if these are my last moments? Or Ryan's? What if I never see my family or friends again?

"But, my, with a body like that," the man's hand grabbed my butt and I quickly cursed, "The boss could keep you." His dark brown eye glared at mine and anger ran through me as his hand let go.

Suddenly, a wave came over me. I don't know how to explain it, but something kicked in like I didn't want to be here. I wanted to kick his balls so hard and so bad, he could cry blood, including the rest of his men. And after what came over me. The next thing I knew, I was on top of him with a gun at his head.

The rest of his men had scattered while Ryan stood there petrified, clutching his stomach. My sweaty hand fingered the trigger while the guy just simply laughed.

"You think you can pull that trigger? You ain't got any guts, bi-" BAM!

I took deep breaths and instantly dropped the gun. My hands were shaking as I observed them, realizing what I did. I just killed a man. And I could get in trouble and go to jail. Oh Lord...

"Lauren." I turned towards Ryan, who limped towards me.

"What have I done? What happened?" I questioned, seeming completely shocked of what just accrued.

Looking down at the man, I quickly came off him and stood up. My hand went straight to my mouth as I let a sob. What did I just do?

"Lauren, listen to me carefully. Lauren?" Ryan's hand came to my shoulder.

Turning towards him, his brown eyes found mine while tears started streaming down my face.

"You have to leave. You have go and run. Run away from here and run as fast as you can, The man that I did business with is so powerful, Lauren. You won't understand, but you can't stay here, okay?" he spilled out.

I quickly nodded and asked, choking on my sobs, "What do I do?"

"Change, Lauren, Change everything about you."

"Won't you come with me, Ryan? We can run together."

He looked down and bit his inside cheek.

"Ryan don't-"

"I can't, Lauren. I just can't."

My whole world felt crushed and burned. Who knew one tiny move would change your entire life?

"Where will I go? Ryan, I need you! You're my fiancée, darn it! Stay with me!" I pleaded, grabbing his coat.

Giving me a forehead kiss, I cried as he stepped away from me and gave me a sad smile.

"I will find you, Lauren. I promise." And those were his final words as my world left me in udder darkness and emptiness.

My feet would not move and refused to move. "What do I do now?"

Having my hand move to my ring, I twirled it for a moment. Then, a lightbulb went off in my head and I knew exactly what to do.

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