23: back in konoha.

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Tsunade : Kakashi.

" ryuushi. " shizune goes into battle stance.

Tsunade : its ok. She's not even tied up. She must have come willingly.

Kakashi: hai.

Tsunade : why?

Kakashi: erm. Can shizune...

" I understand " and she leaves.

" .... I don't know how to put this across to you tsunade-sama." he held onto ryuushi's hand. Ryuushi looked to Kakashi a little surprised " are you sure? "

Kakashi: ryuushi and I are in love.

Tsunade:.... Sigh... Kids nowadays... I understand. So that's why you came back?

Ryuushi: kinda. Hai.

Tsunade: I understand. What do you know?

Ryuushi: the same as you people do. Akatsuki catching bijuu. For what purpose... Pain never says. Everyone just does it because they wanted to show off their capabilities to their village. Big fish in a small pond. The fish looks for a bigger pond.

Tsunade: sigh... I see. And I thought we will get something. Do you know where the akatsuki will go next?

Ryuushi: hai. But they probably will change location that I prepared since I'm caught now.

Tsunade: that makes sense. Ryuushi do you mind if I bring inoichi over to see if they locked up anything in you?

Kakashi: tsunade-sama. Ryuushi please...

Ryuushi: I fine with it. I understand right now no one can guarantee whether I'm on konohagakure's side. I'm willing to stay outside the village by the forest. I can help to lookout if you want. You can watch me from there too.

Kakashi: ryuushi...

Tsunade: you are as the secret scroll says. You don't seem like your age.

Ryuushi: san daime wrote that? He's such a nice person.

Tsunade: why join akatsuki?

Ryuushi:.... I wanted to protect konohagakure when the time comes. But looks like that got trashed... Because of...

Tsunade: I know everything. Why you went to danzou. So I can believe your reason to akatsuki is the same. But you're right. I need to put you under watch.

Kakashi: the elders and the people in konohagakure huh...

Tsunade: I'm glad you understand. Arigato for everything. You can leave now.

Tenzou created a wooden house in the forest " there. Like it? Taichou "

Ryuushi: don't call me that. I'm no longer your taichou since a long time ago.

Tenzou: heh... Habit.

Ryuushi: arigato. For... Trusting me.

Tenzou: taichou...

Ryuushi: I used to be akatsuki. Yet you are willing to believe you. Why?

Tenzou: because...

Ryuushi: you want to observe me too?

Tenzou: half. I also believed that... You won't betray konoha.

Ryuushi: I see. Thanks for believing in me. So? Do you have a girlfriend now?

Tenzou: eh?!! No. No. Taichou. Don't tease me already. You seem friendlier... Now.

Ryuushi: I guess its because of the akatsuki. I didn't have to protect anyone. I didn't have to worry about anyone dying because of me.

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