Chapter 23 - Main Priorities

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  • Dedicated kay @bethk97

  Lilla took a moment to asses her situation. Her brother was the main priority and he was in a critical state with pneumonia. Over all she was in hospital, her brother might be dying in hospital, her parents had left, and the person who cared for her had a secret identity as a famous singer and was leaving for America for 2 months.

  Lilla felt worried and basked in that and self pity (can you blame her?) until Jessie came in, interrupting her thoughts.

  "How are you feeling?" Jessie asked.

  "Well, pretty crap to be honest, hows Taha?!" Lilla asked worriedly.

  "I don't blame you babe, Taha's now in a stable condition so he should be fine. Is there anything you need baby girl?" Jessie replied.

  "Well I'm starving, and sorta wondering what happened to land me here with a broken arm?!" Lilla confessed.

  "I'll get you some food and then we can discuss things, okay?" Jessie asked.

  "Yeah, okay." Lilla said, already tired from lack of food and from worry also.

  Jessie went and got Lilla some food. It was horrible hospital watery macaroni cheese, but Lilla ate it ravenously anyway.

Our Neighbors (a jessie j fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon