Operation: Day Out Disaster

Start from the beginning

Uh-oh. The name! Why haven't I thought of giving the dog a name. What do I do? Uhm. Let's see. Hmmmm...

"Maam, can I have the name please?" She asked again.

"Oh the name!" - I repeated. "The dog's name is Minnie?

Yes, Minnie.Just Minnie."

"Can I have your name please?"

" Me? I'm Son Na Eun."

"Son Na Eun?" - She repeated.

"Yes, Son Na Eun."

As I confirmed my name, her eyes widened. Uh-oh.I just realized she knew who I was. I think she knows me.

Why did I say my name?

What do I do?

"If you don't mind can I have your autograph?"

She handed me a pen and a poster of Apink. She took pictures of me while I quickly signed it. I looked over the other customers and they threw me curious glances.
I paid the dog's fees and sat on the waiting area.

" Excuse me Miss Son Na Eun, it's your dog's turn already."

I got up and followed the lady. She led me to a apple green room filled with different equipments used for dogs.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw Minnie being bath.She has been trimmed already and it looked nice on her.
Now she was soaking wet in the bath,but the bubbles made her look even cuter.

I watched as they trimmed and prepped the dog.Soon enough we were done! And it looked really good.

I gathered my stuff in the waiting room and the dog in my other hand. We now walked to the hallway towards the exit but found myself stuck in the shop.

As we were towards the door, some papparazi and fans were outside the shop waiting. They were a large crowd.

How did this happen?

How did they know?

The chaos outside made me stay inside the shop.The staff and personnel locked the shop quickly for my security. Some of the fans were trying to break an entry.

"What's going on?" - A child asked.

"Don't worry. You see that young lady over there is pretty famous."

I heard her mom telling her. The child didn't seem to understand the situation, so did I.

Ugh, I need my own mom too!

What do I do now?

The owner came and asked the personnel what happend. I looked at them as they were talking. They looked back at me, by that I know they were talking about me. I stood there eavesdropping their little conversation.

"What happend?"

"Apink's Son Na Eun is here, that's why there's a lot of people outside."

"Is she a customer here? She's not here. I can't see her."

Suddenly a girl wearing the same uniform came to the Manager. She looked very familiar. Then I realized, she was the one who asked me an autograph and some pictures.

"She's here. I have pictures and an autograph too." -She said as held her phone and showed it to them.

The owner looked at her phone. His expression was simply blank. I couldn't tell really.

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