Chapter 1-Trouble Begins!

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"Sehun hold still!!!"

"NU!!! BAD NINI!!!"

And then the little devil kicked him. Right in the nuts!

Sehun was chowing down the pancakes at lightning speed, He was practically swimming in syrup but he seemed to be loving it.

"Does my baby Hun like his pancakes?"

His sister cooed at the boy who in reply nodded his head, eyes turning into cresents as he smiled, mouth stuffed with pancakes and a little syrup dripping down his chin.

He had been living with them for almost four months now. They started calling him Sehun because every time his sister told him to 'Say Hun' He would reply with 'Sehun'.

"Nini pancake," Sehun pointed at the piece of pancake that was poking from the end of Kai's fork.

"Very good Sehun, yes it's a pancake" Kai said with an innocent smile on his face. He knew what Sehun wanted and he's not getting it.

"Nu! I want Nini pancake!" Sehun said Kneeling on his chair and pointing straight at Kai's pancake to make his point clear, Which Kai of course ignored.


"Okay okay," Kai replied passing his piece of pancake to the Catboy whose eyes sparkled.

"Why does he always do this? I mean he always wants whatever I'm eating." Kai said glancing from the boy who had a layer of whip cream on his upper lip to his sister who was smiling at his precious little boy.

"He just wants to bond with his uncle Nini." His brother said with a smirk on his face. Kai glared at him,

"It's not just the food, He wants my pens, my figurines, basically anything that's mine." Kai whined glaring at the boy who was too busy with his pancake to even care.

"Oh please Kai, Stop being such a baby. He's only 5" His sister said using a napkin to wipe the cream off her Angel's face.

"And I'm only 16!"

"Then start acting like it"

Kai groaned, His life is getting sabotaged by a teeny- cat eared five year old. And its been only four freaking months! Minus the month he was over at Chanyeol's for the school break.

Within that time Kai got to know how much of a troublemaker his nephew was, Within four months he managed to break the T.V, Ruin his comics, ruin his homework and make their neighbor's dog hate them. He blesses god that Sehun didn't find his Michael Jackson albums.

Kai came home from practice walking cuz it was Sehun's yearly doctor's appointment and Taemin couldn't pick him up. He saw his brother passed out on the couch with a sleepy Sehun playing 'Talking Tom' while sitting in between his legs.

The Catboy looked up at Kai, eyes diverting to the smoothie in Kai's hand. He handed it to the boy who grinned happily and started to sip the rest of the strawberry smoothie. The catboy was getting used to his life with them while Kai adjusted to his life with him. Before just the vacuum cleaner was enough to make Sehun cry non-stop unless candy was involved.

Sehun eventually turned into part of their family. Catboys were originally bred to be pets that could keep their masters company in a more communicative level. They were very submissive, loyal creatures when trained. Some were used for inappropriate things because the cat genes were kind of fetish, which disgusted Kai to his very soul.

Kai was exhausted, his dance competition was coming up and he needed more practice and not to mention the increasing amount of schoolwork. He was only one year from graduation and his parents will skin him alive if he fails, which is more unlikely to happen. He walked downstairs to get some chocolate milk. He heard his brother snore and focused his attention on the living room and saw a sleeping Sehun, his ears bent down and his tail curled around his waist, like a cat actually.

Kai could hear the soft snores escaping Sehun as he had buried his head deeper into Kai's neck, arms hanging lifelessly at his side unaware that Kai was carrying him to bed. Once he was tucked in bed Kai smiled at the younger's sleeping frame,

Sweet dreams brat...

"WHAT?!?!" Kai thought he was gonna have a heart attack. His sister couldn't be serious right?

"Oh come on its only for a few days"

"Why are you making my life miserable? Noona, what did I ever do to you?!?!"

"Oh stop being such a Drama Queen!"

"It's just for a couple of days, I promise"

"Fine" Kai grumbled.

"NU!!! HUNNIE WANTS MOMMY!! HUNNIE DON'T WANT NINI!!!" Sehun said howling wrapped around Naeun's leg, The crying only got worse when Taemin tried to pull him off. And, Oh the irony

"It's okay baby, don't cry okay? Mommy and Daddy will be back soon. I promise if you stay like a good boy and stop crying, Mommy will bring lots of yummy candy." She said stroking Sehun behind his ears calming him down.

Sehun sniffled and unwrapped himself from Naeun's leg and pouted. Taemin crouched down to match Sehun's height and smiled at the catboy.

"Your daddy's big boy right? Now be a good boy and don't trouble uncle Nini okay?" He finished ruffling Sehun's blonde hair, his ears were bent down in disappointment as he watched them leave the driveway. Kai sighed and looked at the younger boy, it couldn't be that hard to baby-sit a Six year old.

4 Hrs Later....

Trouble was a understatement,



Next update tomorrow <3

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