Odd Days

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It didn't take much to catch me by surprise. But that? That I was not expecting.

"Wh-what?" I stuttered.

A half-hearted smirk spread across his face. His normal arrogance was blurred with his true emotions. Was it love?

"Anastasia Fell, do you still love me?"

I had a bipolar relationship with luck that day, for the scary and possibly destructive moment was interrupted by Stefan entering the room.

We immediately jumped apart like we had been electrocuted. Stefan gave us a funny look, then nodded at me. He dangled his car keys in front of his face. "C'mon."

Damon cleared his throat and awkwardly inched toward the door, "I'll, um, uh.....go now."

He slipped away and Stefan raised his eyebrow at me.

I just shook my head. "Too long a story. Where are we going?"

As we walked downstairs, I noticed a familiar prescence in the parlor.

I smiled. "Good morning, Elena."

Elena smiled back. I noticed her purse on her shoulder and her expression. Every girl wore that expression only at a certain time in their lives.

"Shopping?!" I squealed, glancing excitedly at Stefan.

He grinned, tossing me his keys (which I caught, the ninja I am). "You and Elena. No more than 3 thousand. Understand?"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, how will we live on that tiny little budget, Stefan?"

Stefan chuckled, and shooed us out the door.


With the $3 thousand, Elena, and a wickedly mischievous personality, we set out shopping. First, we stopped by Victoria's Secret, where I persuaded the nice cashier to give us half off on new bras and underwear. Elena went along with it, and didn't even complain when I suggested we go to the mall to find the rest of the stuff. Unfortunately, the closest thing Mystic Falls had to a mall was a small boutique on the corner of the oldest street in town.

When we got their, to my surprise, it actually was pretty cool. There was everything from t-shirts to jeans to even prom dresses. I definitely clicked the mental 'save' button.

A few dozen dresses and jeans later, Elena and I still had a a thousand and some odd dollars to spend, so we decided to leave town to go on a girls' night out. We picked up Caroline and (ugh) Bonnie to go to Virginia Beach for the remainder of the day.

The car ride was interesting.

"So, Ana, how was the drive to Mystic Falls?" Caroline asked sweetly, trying break the obvious tension in the car. She sat next to me in the front, with Elena and Bonnie in the back. I could feel Bonnie's icy glare as I answered.

"Um, great. Damon tried to kill me, and all, but he drove me back without any, uh, occurences." I replied.

Bonnie's annoyingly judgy voice rang throughout the car. "So, you and him had a thing, huh? A little leach romance?"

Caroline winced. She was a vampire, too, and every jab Bonnie made at me hurt Caroline just as much. My knuckles were turning white by how tightly I gripped the steering wheel.

"That was a long time ago, Bennet," I hissed through gritted teeth. "History."

I glanced in the rearview mirror and saw something that surprised me. Elena had on two things that should not have been there.

Gently pulling over, I turned around in my seat to face her. "Elena, where did you get that?"

She had on a necklace, a very old one, actually. I recognized it from 1864, and somewhere else.....

No, it couldn't be.

"Oh, it's mine. Stefan gave it to me. It has vervain in it, so I can't be compelled. I know, it used to be Katherine's, but still...."

I laughed. Bonnie glared at me, and Caroline and Elena looked confused. "Oh," I said, turning back around and starting the car again. "Nothing."

As we drove on, I thought about two things.

One, the necklace. I was so tempted to tell Elena exactly who it belonged to in the past, but I thought that was a job for Stefan. If I could get a certain Original to give him his memory back.....

And the other thing. The one that bothered me most of all. The expression Elena wore when Bonnie rudely pointed out Damon and my history. I recognized it from my many years with the Originals, and even way back in 1864.........jealousy.


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