Jet woke up to see a circle of faces above him. Well, four.

"You're lucky not to have lost your arm, young man," a man in a white coat said severely. "That was a nasty cut. How did you get it?"

"Wha?" Jet said drowsily.

"Danny, get the doctor out of here," Rodney said. "Oh, and make him forget everything that's happened."

Danny scowled.

"Please," Starlight added. Danny caught hold of the man's arm and vanished, eyes beginning to glow.

"Well, Jet, how d'you feel?" Rodney asked. Jet blinked and automatically reached into his pocket for his sunglasses.

"What happened?" Jet asked, putting them on.

"Well, Jawtun went to go and rescue Ima who was kidnapped by a monster thing that lives in the North Wing," Starlight began. "The Headmaster is actually dead but that guy was just some imposter guy. I don't know who he was, why he did it but I do know that he speaks ferret."

"Are you okay, Jet?" Rodney asked again. Jet groaned and sat up, leaning on his elbow. He winced and shifted elbows quickly.

"T'sarces," Jet muttered. Starlight's mouth fell open in surprise.

"That's what the man said! It's a swear or something like that in ferret language," she said excitedly. Jet paled.

"Then that can't have been Ryan Janus," Jet whispered.

"Who was it, Jet?" Danny asked. He'd reappeared.

"My dad."


Jawtun ran through the North Wing, leaping over abominations on the floor. He was beginning to panic. The thing that was chasing him, he knew what it was. He knew what it could do. And he knew where it had put Ima.

Jawtun could feel the monster behind him. It made no noise when it ran so Jawtun was relying on pure instinct to keep ahead. There was a low growl to confirm his suspicions. It was right behind him.

Jawtun ducked to the left. It probably wasn't the correct way to go but it bought him a little time. The monster had to turn around and Jawtun kicked the door shut behind him.

"Ima?" he called.

"Vampire? Have you come to kill me?" a voice called back. Jawtun sped up as the door behind him shattered. A large splinter embedded itself into Jawtun's leg. He stumbled but didn't fall.

"Vampire? You still there?" Ima called again. Jawtun ducked to the right and slid on a pool of blood. It was black, sticky and was dragging him backwards. Jawtun cursed and wrenched himself free.

"This monster," he muttered. "Is evil. Yet intelligent. It has set traps. Where is it, I wonder?" Jawtun heard heavy breathing above him and glanced up just in time. The monster fell from the ceiling and Jawtun dived out of the way.

"Vampire? Sind Sie tot?" Ima called. The monster turned in the direction of her voice and bounded away. Jawtun cursed and tried a different route; wrapping his wings around himself and crashing through the walls. Whether it would work was a different matter.

"Now would be a good time for the Australian's sonic energy," Jawtun said. He spat out a mouthful of brick dust and sent Jet a message. It would be nice if you could help. All of you. Please.


"I've got a message," Jet said. He sat up. It had been a few minutes since he'd last spoken and his voice cracked. Jet tried again. "I've got a message."

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