Starlight came to take the other Warriors to breakfast. She explained the layout of the building as they walked to the dining hall.

"This is the East Wing. All of the dormitories are here and there's one teacher per floor. No one goes up to the top floor in the East Wing; the roof's collapsed for a start.

"In the centre block is the staffroom. You go there if you need to find a teacher but not everyone is cooperative. The Headmaster's office is in a corridor, by itself, along from the staffroom. Anyone who goes there returns subdued and nearly always leaves the next day. I've never been but now I know you guys I think I might. No offence, but you seem like trouble.

"The dining hall is in a separate block. It was by the staffroom so the teachers could keep an eye on us, but one bright spark decided that it would be a good idea to build a catapult. Food flew everywhere and the wall got smashed down. The cooks were launched through the new hole and one landed in a pile of mashed potato. It was pretty funny but we're not allowed to talk of it; apparently the cook was traumatised. We have to eat it!

"The classrooms are in the West Wings. There are quite a few different subjects to take and I have your timetables. You're in every class with me." Starlight handed out a piece of laminated card with lots of different coloured boxes on it. Jet scanned it before putting it in his jacket pocket. They had training first.

"The training grounds are outside," Starlight continued There are three: physical, mental and teamwork. Mental's the worst. They put you in a chair and make you answer a load of questions on a sheet whilst your worst memories are being replayed in front of you and everyone else. If you have anything embarrassing in your head, we've got it first, so mentally build walls around it and put it in a safe.

"The teacher's quarters are in the South Wing. Don't go there unless you have to, or if you want to play a trick. Ask Danny about who to get revenge on and who not to, he's the King of Prankland.

"No one knows what's in the North Wing. Sometimes you can hear howling or snarling, or whimpering. When I was new here I heard someone scream in the middle of the night and the windows in the North Wing lit up. The shadows inside were like... monsters. Like the stuff of nightmares. Only an incredibly brave person would go there alone, a fool would go there at all.

"Well, that's about it. You know about the inspections, you've got your timetables, you know the boundaries and all that's left to do is get breakfast. Coming?" Starlight said, raising an eyebrow. Rodney was talking to a boy with red hair and a denim jacket. Starlight sighed.

"Danny, he's new. Leave him alone," she said. Danny looked at her and smiled. Starlight glared at him until Danny stepped away from Rodney. Rodney blinked and looked around him.

"What happened?" Rodney said uncertainly. Starlight kicked Danny and patted Rodney on the shoulder.

"He's a hypnotist and a teleporter. Ignore him. Danny, these are the new guys. I'm showing them the ropes," Starlight said. Danny scowled and strode into the dining hall. Jet hadn't noticed that they were in the doorway.

"C'mon. We won't be able to get a table if you stand around being hypnotised all day, Rodney," Jet said. Starlight led the way into the dining hall and the four sat down.

"Orders?" a man said. His ridiculous moustache quivered as he sniffed the air. "No vegetarians? Allergies? Vegans? New?"

"Francis, shut up for a second. These guys are new," Starlight snapped. Jet jumped. Starlight clearly didn't like this guy.

"Apologies, Starry," the man muttered. "Do you wish me to pick for you?"

"No. I'll have cereal," Jet said.

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