The Professor hadn't yelled at Jet or even told him off. She'd ignored him and was now wearing his test as a hat. Very odd, Jet thought.

I agree, Jawtun replied. Jet jumped slightly.

Me too.

Und ich.

She's cuckoo!

She's not that bad.

"Starlight? You're next," the Professor called. She put a fresh test onto the desk and Starlight groaned.

I take that back. She's brilliant!

Shut up, Rodney.

Starlight walked to the chair. She sat down heavily and sighed.

"Your time starts now. Begin," the Professor said. Starlight began writing almost immediately.

"Starlight, star bright, I wish a wish on you tonight, I wish that I may, I wish that I might, not be woken whilst I sleep tonight," a woman sang on the screen. The girl in her cot giggled.

"I can't help it if there's another spider in my room," the girl said innocently. The woman sighed.

"They don't bite, Star," she said.

"Much," a man's voice called.

"Thank you, David," the woman called back. "You can deal with the screaming fit next time!" The man began to say something but suddenly stopped. There was a choking noise then all was quiet again.

"Don't worry sweetie, Daddy's just being silly," the woman said. Jet could see that she was worried. Starlight stopped writing and screwed her eyes shut.

A figure passed by the doorway and the child screamed. The woman turned around and a length of rope was wrapped around her neck. She tried to fight back but it was no use. The woman sank to the floor and the child's screams stopped.

Fire erupted from the cot. The attacker stumbled backwards and started to scream as the fire caught on his clothes. The man became an inferno and the girl screamed again. The fire stopped but the man was dead.

"Your time is up," the Professor said. Starlight hit her head on the desk before walking away.

"Now we can go," Jawtun said once Starlight resumed her seat. A different child was called up and Starlight stood back up.

"Yeah. Let's leave. Now," she said. Walking out of the mental training ground, she called over her shoulder, "Are you coming or not?"

"We might as well," Rodney muttered. He got up and soon all of the Warriors were standing. They followed each other out of the training ground and Jet caught up with Starlight.

"Hey," he said. She didn't reply.

"We're both killers, eh?" Jet tried to make conversation. Starlight looked at him with red rimmed eyes.

"That man killed my parents because he could. I had a reason to kill him. And I was three, so there," she sniffed. Jet hung back and Starlight marched on ahead.

"That was horrible," Danny said. "That Professor is messed up. Next time we all have mental training together, let's bunk off. Deal?"






"Good. Now what are we going to do? Follow Starlight?" Danny asked. Jawtun looked at Jet.

Shall I tell them about the journal? he asked Jet.

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