Vagabond of The 3rd Continent

Start from the beginning

Joel shrugged."Who knows? Maybe we'll meet again eh,amigo?"

"Maybe. See you."

"Hasta Luego!"And with that he drove down the road disappearing around the corner.

Danny shoved his hands in his pockets and sauntered inside. The room was filled up with men lounging at tables playing poker their faces hidden by their hats but their eyes were carefully watching the newcomer.  The air reeked of cigarettes and alcohol but Danny didn't pay no mind neither to the watching eyes. He sat on the on one of the swirling bar chairs each one on the side of him vacant.

The bartender stood a little ways over absently cleaning a cup with a rag. A big broad-shouldered guy,muscles bulging under his white shirt and dirty apron. His face hard, clean, and shaven and had a head of curly black hair, a cigarette hung limply from his mouth.

"Hey bartender, I could use a drink."Danny called over leaning his chin on the palm of his hand.

The bartender looked up a frown on his face as he walked over."What would ya' like, senor?"

"Anything good."

"I'll take that as a 'My Choice' ."he turned around searching through the bottles of liquor.

"Hey.....know anyone named Emilio?"Danny tapped a finger on the wood.

"I should..."he replied without turning "Because my name's Emilio."

Danny froze."Emilio Chavez?"

Emilio turned around finally slipping him a scrotch."The one and only."

"Emilio, it's me, Danny....Winchester."

Shock crossed Emilio's face."Daniel?"

"I prefer Danny, y'know."

"Daniel!" Emilio slapped him on the back which hadn't yet recovered from the last time."I didn't recognize you! How long has it been, amigo! 4 or 5 years!"

"Yeah didn't recognize you either...jeez my back hurts."Danny swore under his breath.

"Sorry, sorry, so what brings you down here from the Third Continent?"

Danny picked up his scrotch taking a sip."Business."

Emilio shook his head."Should have known. That's the exact reason why I came back from Third cause of your 'Business'."

Danny remained silent.

"How long are you going to do this ,amigo? I know you enjoy thrills and stuff but you need to know when to stop."Emilio leaned his arms on the table."Y'know settle down, meet a nice chica, and have plenty of little monsters running around."

"We meet after a considerable time of five years and your still criticizing me about life. Look I like my life, it's nice an' simple and I really don't want it to change. 'Sides I hate kids."Danny shrugged.

"Ai yai yai, Daniel, your life is far from simple."Emilio sighed.

"Anyway, whose it this time?"Emilio's voice lowered to a whisper.

Danny smiled."Couldn't contain your curiousity,huh? Goes by the name Red Coyote. Wanted for numerous robberies ,reward: 235,733 pesos."

"Um that's about 20,000 dollars in Third. I'd known you for going after bigger rewards. Much Bigger."

Danny raised an eyebrow."Of course I do."


Danny raised a finger."Wait until I'm finished ,muchacho. It just so happens that this Red Coyote fella' recently stole a very rare diamond that by the way is priceless and the reward for the safe return of the diamond is 23,672,458 pesos which would be a total of 2,000,000 in Third."

"Something like that will have plenty of 'others' trying to sniff out such a easy target especially for that much. And I also thought you prefered more thrilling missions."Emilio pointed out.

"Again, of course I do but I'm short on money. And bounty hunters in Third don't really look into international bounties, I should know."

"I think your short on money because your still buying useless,random shit on the internet huh, amigo?"

Danny frowned at that."They're not useless, they're interesting and helpful and always come with the 'Buy one get one free' thing."

"Anyone ever tell you your a royal pain in the butt."

"You just did."

"YOU DIRTY LIAR!!!" Glass smashed behind the two followed by the yell.

Danny swirled around to see a black haired girl clad in a leather jacket and jeans standing enraged over a man staring at his drink she had smacked out of his hand.

"Hey! No breaking stuff!"Emilio hollered.

The girl payed him no mind, she was entirely focused on the man before her."You promised me much more than this, I want my money!"

"Listen chica, Be grateful I gave you anyhing now run along and sell yourself for money or something."the mn brushed her off walking away.

"I should have never trusted you! You-"the girl grabbed his arm.

The man spun around gripping her collar and roughly shook her. "Wrong choice, chica."

He pulled back his fist ready to hurl it at her.

"Hey put the girl down."Danny gripped his drink tightly.

The man turned toward him dropping the girl to the floor."Who are you, newcomer?"

"Danny Winchester."he replied."So you hit girls for thrills huh?"

The man laughed."Thrills? This little whore, seems to have forgotten her place. I'm just reminding her."

The girl glared up at him. Danny's eyes went from him to her then back to him.

"That still doesn't give you the right to hit her."Danny grinded his lower jaw.

"What are you some kind of hero eh, amigo?"the man laughed again.

"Heya' mister, your kinda' annoying me."Danny said smirking rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wha-you prick! You don't know who're messin' with."a couple men from different tables proceeded to stand up ready to jump him.

"Well that's not fair. All of you against me."Danny downed the last of the scrotch and slammed it on the bar."Fill 'er up."

Emilio grabbed the glass."Sure thing. Just don't break anything."

"Don't worry about it." Danny said getting up nearly hopping from excitement.

The man smirked,"Think your big-time, huh? Don't worry we'll show you a real great time."

It was Danny's turn to grin."I sure hope so."he said cracking his knuckles.

"Shall we?"

Vagabond of The 3rd ContinentWhere stories live. Discover now