Chapter Two

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       I'm waiting with the other women in a line as our selector talks to other men and signs some papers. Someone taps my shoulder from behind, but I stay facing forward. I can feel their breath on my neck as they're breathing. In, out, in, out. They tap me again, but I still don't turn around.

      "Gazelle, it's me, turn around."

      I recognize Chris' voice, so I turn around to face him. At first shadows cover his face, but then he steps into the light and I'm surprised to see what I do in his eyes. What I had thought to be disappointment in his eyes earlier was actually sadness. Sadness for what? I'm not sure.

      "Is there something wrong? Have one of my Breeders done something they weren't supposed to," my selector asks.

      "No Sir," Chris replies. "One of my superiors has asked me to come and pull her to the side. It seems that her print came out odd and he wants me to re-scan her. That is, if you don't mind."

      "Not at all. Is it something I should be concerned about?"

      "No Sir. My superior said it was most likely just a computer glitch, but I will be sure to let you know if it was something else."

      "Be on your way, but please do hurry back. I'd prefer to be home before nightfall and at a decent hour."

      "Yes Sir."

      He grabs my arm in a vice like grip and steers me down the hall, around a corner, and into an empty room. Turning on the light, he closes the door and locks it. He releases his vice like grip and moves us further into the room, then turns me to face him.

      He sighs and whispers, "I'm so sorry."

      "Sorry for what," I ask in confusion.

      "If I would have known he would choose you, I would have told you sooner."

      "It's okay Chris. Don't apologize for it, it's not your fault."

      "I feel like it is though. If I would have told you my plan sooner, then you wouldn't even be here. I would do anything to get you out of this situation."

      "There's nothing you can do. Just please make sure Jade stays safe and out of trouble. Now that I'm not there, she has no one. Please keep a close eye on her."

      "I will."

      I see the honesty in his eyes, but I can also see where it seems that the sadness has increased. He needs to bring me back before my selector thinks that we're taking too long and comes looking for us.

      "We need to get back before my selector comes looking."

      He sighs again, looks to the floor, and says, "I know."

      I raise his chin so he looks at me instead of the floor and say, "It's okay, I'll be fine. I promise."

      He suddenly leans down and embraces me tightly around my waist, nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck. It surprises me and I'm not sure what to do at first, so I awkwardly pat his back. Should I hug him back like I hug Jade, or stand here and wait until he's done? Deciding to hug him back, I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my head on his shoulder.

      "I'll miss you Chris. You were nice to us, even when we were first moved here."

      He chuckles and says, "When you two were first moved here, you both looked lost and couldn't figure out your way around the tunnels."

       "And you helped us," I say pulling back and smiling at him.

      He gives me a sad smile and says, "I'll miss you more than you think Rileah."

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