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*cassidy's point of view*

i was so nervous getting to his house.
i almost turned and ran after i rang the doorbell.
that was before he saw me.


"hi lukas."

"would you like to come in?"

i followed him inside.
he had a beautiful house.
i mean i know he was upset with his mom working and all but..
man, it paid off.

i followed him to his backyard.

"wanna do something fun?"

"i could use a little fun."

he jumped into his pool just like that.
clothes and everything.

he didnt stay in the pool.
he got out and immediately got on his trampoline.

watching him slip and fall from slipperyness made me laugh.
laugh so hard that i wanted to try.
i jumped in the pool just like he and went on the trampoline.

he took a squirt gun and sprayed it in my hair.
leaving me defenseless.
i had to get revenge.
i took his legs and held onto them until he eventually lost balance.
he fell. on top of me.
his hands were on the trampoline on either side of my head.
he held him self up from laying ontop of me.
he realized he was still dripping wet from the pool when water splashed in my face from his hair.
that made him smile.
his smile made me smile like a dork.
then he leaned in and kissed me right then and there.

and it wasnt any middle school kiss.
it was a kiss that made you feel something.

and that was when i knew my entire life was about to change.

drowning.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora