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*lukas point of view*

god damn, the way that girl made me feel.
she was like a mystery.
since the first day i saw her, i wanted to solve her.

i had known her but a mere two weeks and i felt like i knew here more then anyone else.

i took the day off from school.
wasnt feeling it, i have those days sometimes.

its not like my "oh i have to work today, ill see you tonight" mother would care.
her "tonight's" are my "sleep time" thank you very much.
ill see her maybe twice at glace during the week.
im basically alone.
my dad? yeah we dont talk about him.
he cheated on my mom when i was around 14.
ill get a call from him maybe once a year, birthday or christmas.
never both.

i told all of these things to cassidy yesterday.
i sat on her bed and listened to her talk.
watched how smoothly the words came from her pale lips.
watched the sunlight hit her light brown hair giving it a gold tint.
watched her delicate hands gesture to tell her stories.
she was beautiful.

i couldn't stop thinking about her.
was she thinking about me?
probably not.
im rushing this and she probably considers me an aqaintance, at most.

i just crave affection more than anything right now.

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