Chapter 35 - Planning

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Josh and Vikk heard a small knock on the door to their apartment. They looked at each other frowning, who would come to their flat at this time? Vikk got up and answered the door. He moved away and let Josh see who was there.

They both looked at each other again, shocked. It was JJ and Simon. "Can we come in?" Simon asked. Josh nodded and the two walked in. Vikk closed the door and walked over to Josh, sitting next to him. "Take a seat." Josh said, waving over to the sofa opposite them.

JJ and Simon sat down, looking around the flat. "Nice flat." JJ spoke up, filling in the silence. "What do you want?" Josh asked. JJ and Simon shared glances before Simon finally spoke up. "We made up."

"You made up." Josh repeated flatly. "That's nice." Josh was obviously annoyed.

"What has that got anything to do with us?" Vikk asked.

"Well, our fight affected you guys too." JJ replied. "We want us to be back together, like before."

"Oh, so after months of trying to get you guys to make up and after months of fighting you guys make up and want us to get back together like before?" Josh harshly said.

"What happened was horrible, for all of us. But we've made up now. And I'm tired of all these broken feelings. I just want us to get back to normal." Simon replied.

"Simon, we'll probably never go back to normal. This wasn't some little kids fighting over a toy. It was a homophobic man fighting with a gay!"

Simon looked down in shame. JJ looked at Josh with guilt. "Josh, what I did was stupid. I was a dick. I regret what I did and I don't feel or think those things anymore. I like Simon just the way he is. And I accept the fact that him and Ethan are together."

"There's no Simon and Ethan for you to accept JJ. You broke them. Do you even know how much they went through?" Josh asked, looking at JJ with anger.

"Yes. Yes I do. Simon told me everything. And trust me I regret it so much. I caused everything and the guilt in me is unbearable. That's why I want to fix this. I want to fix what I broke."

"I'm not sure if you can fix what you broke." Josh quietly said as he looked at Simon.

"We can. We can fix this. Please Josh. Help us. Right now I need you guys more then ever. Please Josh." Simon pleaded.

"How are you going to get him back when he's moved on? He has a girlfriend Simon!"

"I know. But at least we can go back to how we were. As friends. As the Sidemen."

"I don't know Simon."

"Please Josh." Simon begged. Josh thought for a while and looked at Simon, studying all his features. He had bags under his eyes and his eyes were misted over and filled with tears. He looked thinner and somehow looked like had a shadow over him. This boy needed help, if getting the boy he loved back would help him, then it was worth it.

"Ok. But if anything goes wrong and you and JJ start again I swear to God-"

"We won't. JJ understands now."

"Do you JJ?" Josh looked at JJ, raising his eyebrow. JJ nodded.

Josh looked back to Simon. "So, what do we do?"

Yayyy! We're reaching happy days!! Or are we??? *evil laugh*

Anyway, Thank You for 8K reads! You guys are so supportive and I love reading your comments! Unfortunately, WattPad doesn't let me respond sometimes so sorry to all you guys who I haven't replied to. I do try my best to respond!

Love you all! X

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