Chapter 6

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We pulled up in front of Alek's mansion, it was still beautiful only that the front lawn was clean from the party. I took off my seat belt and grabbed the door handle but someone already opened it. I stare into Alek's eyes trying to find a sign of emotion but there was none. So I hopped out of the truck and walked to the door not even attempting to escape. Alek opened the door for me but I just rolled my eyes. I really didn't get this guy, one minute he's kidnapping you from your house and the next he's opening a door for you. I sat down on the couch only to be pulled up two seconds later by a large hand pulling me up the stairs. I stopped right at the bottom of the stairs not even budging.

"Can you stop pulling me around everywhere. It's rude and I don't like it," I complained. Alek just stared at me like I was crazy, then he went back to try and pull me up the stairs but I didn't move.

"Why are you so stubborn?" He groaned.

"I'm not stubborn, you were the one that locked me in your room, lied about something I never did and then kidnapped me again. What's your problem?"

"My problem? Your the one who made my dad yell at me!" Alek was starting to yell.

"Me? Well I wasn't the one who lied in the first place!" I yelled. This made him mad. He let go of my hand and threw me on his shoulder. I started punching his back but it didn't make him put me down. Instead he just kept walking up the stairs and into what was his room. He closed the door behind him and placed me on the bed. I went to stand up but Alek pushed me back down, he now was holding my arms down so I couldn't move. I groaned I'm frustration and he just smirked at me.

"What do you want?" I question him.

"What do I want? Well I'll give you a list and you can start working on them. Once your done, I'll give you another one," Alek smirked. I froze in terror, I really didn't want to be here but at the same time I wanted to know what he wants to do to me.

"What I'm trying to say is, is that I know we got off on the wrong foot but I want to apologize for acting that way. I know it was wrong so can you fogive me?" Alek was staring straight into my eyes like he was trying to bore a hole through me. This guy was truly nuts.


"What do you mean?"

"I mean I do not forgive you. If you want to be forgiven then you have to earn it," I smirked back. This really confused him.

"Wait why not? You have to forgive me, you don't have a choice," His grip tightened and I tried not to cry from the pain. I shoke my head, this really made him mad. So he got up and left the room, I didn't know what he was trying to tell me but I was just glad he left.

"Oh and don't forget, until you forgive me, you won't be able to drink or eat," I heard him laugh to himself as he locked the door. Oh no! This will be the end of me. The end of Riley Poppy Black. I don't even know why my parents picked out that name but whatever.

Alek's POV***

I went downstairs to find my parents talking together in the living room.

"Hey son, did Ms. Riley forgive you?" Father asked.

"Well not yet. So I'm just giving her some space," I lie. Okay I know what your thinking, why are you lying? Well that's just so I don't get into trouble. I heard someone giggling by the entrance. So I teleported there to find my loyal friend with his new mate enter my house. You may question how I teleported, well that's because it is part of my gift of being a Vampire. Oh yes, Alek Sedrick Anderson is indeed, a Vampire.

"Hey Marc. Who's this lovely girl?" I ask. Marc smiled at me knowing I was trying to make a good impression on his mate.

"Hey Alek. This is Ashley, we were spending the day together and we were wondering if we can stay here tonight?" Marc asked. I nodded my head letting them stay. Ashley stopped in front of me.

"Have you seen my friend Riley? She's not answering her phone?" Ashley questioned. Boy those two really care about eachother. She stared into my eyes with a little anger, I wonder why she's angry at me?

'Dude its because she knows what you did to Riley. Riley told her.'

I nodded my head to Marc for thanks. I turned back to Ashley who was looking annoyed at me.

"Uh yeah, she's just in the washroom upstairs," I answer.

"Why is she here?" Ashley asked. Boy its like this girl knows I'm hiding something.

"I went over to apologize and asked if she wanted to come over," I lied. Ashley looked at me up and down then walked away. I sighed, boy that was a close one.

Riley's POV***

I felt the sting of tears falling down my cheek as I pounded my hands on the door. I wanted to go home in my comfy bed and not have to be scared to death. I heard footsteps going downstairs, I started to Bang my fists harder on the doors. I heard the feet stop and come up the stairs. I kept banging my hands so they could find me. I heard the door open and I quickly backed up so I wouldn't get hit. Ashley was standing in front of me with Marc by her side.

"Riley what are you doing here?" Ashley questioned trying to help me up. I just kept crying because I was still in shock. Marc picked me up and helped me down the stairs with Ashley following behind us. I slowly finished crying as we reached the bottom of the stairs. When we headed towards the exit, someone spoke.

"Marc what are you doing?" It was the man himself, Alek. Before Marc could answer Ashley stormed right into Alek's face. She didn't say a word as she just stared at him with anger.

After a few seconds she kicked him hard where the sun doesn't shine and frowned, "Thats for kidnapping my friend!" Alek fell to the ground in pain as Marc and I looked at Ashley with shock. She grabbed my hand and we exited the mansion, leaving Alek there in pain and Marc with a shocked expression.

"He was a total jerk. I'm sorry I left you at home by yourself," Ashley apologized as we sat down on the couch.

"It's fine, let's just watch a movie and forget about it," I suggested. Ashley nodded her head in agreement and went to go make popcorn. I walked over to the box of movies and looked through them. I couldn't believe we had this many movies. As Ashley returned with a bowl full of popcorn I inserted the movie, Divergent. Right as we were about to start the movie someone knocked on the door.


So guys here's another chapter. I don't know if I will be able to update next week and this weekend because I'm at my cabin. Also SCHOOLS going to be starting!!!! YEAH!!! Sorry I love school. So I may only be able to update on the weekends maybe more but don't get your hopes up.

Lave ya all!!

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