Chapter 1: The great Gatsby not the breakfast club

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Chapter 1: The great Gatsby not the breakfast club

High school high schools a scary thing, let's be honest. Going into Grade 9 you're absolutely terrified of what lies ahead of you. In grade 10 you start to realize that those friends that you had an elementary school may or may not be your friend anymore and the people that you last expect may become your friends. Great 11 you realize who are really your friends. Do you know how to do that? You have a baby and then see who is still there for you. You also start to face the real world. Then finally in grade 12 you have the best year of your life! Just kidding. In grade 12 you terrified again. Just like when you entered grade 9, you have to start a new chapter in your life, high school. But the new chapter after school is the real world. Time for you to face the music.

But I'm getting ahead of myself, I still have to survive the 12th grade.


It's about three weeks into second semester. Monday, February 23rd to be exact. I walked down the hall with my best friend Carly, she was the one of people I spoke of earlier the "in grade 11 have a baby and see who sticks around", yeah she got pregnant last year and had her baby a month before school started. Her daughter is a darling little thing, her name is Cassidy and oh my God is she cute.

When Carly got pregnant a lot of her friends just stop talking to her, but not me. I've been her best friend ever since we were little and I wasn't going to leave her when she's at her lowest point. That's what a true friend does. But once the word got out that she was pregnant a whole bunch of girls just tried to be her friend. Why? I don't know, frankly I don't care. However there was one girl that became her friend. Her name is Savannah and she didn't want to be friends with Carly because she was pregnant, she wanted to give Carly support because her sister went to the same thing and she got so stressed out by everybody she ended up terminating her pregnancy. She regretted it a few weeks after.

Savannah didn't want Carly to make the same decision unless it was truly what she wanted. of course Carly had no interest of getting an abortion or putting her baby up for adoption. She decided the moment that she found out she was pregnant that she was keeping this baby no matter what. And I respect that.

So as I was saying Carly an I were walking down the hall towards the cafeteria to meet savannah at our usual spot. As we entered the cafeteria it was loud, like usual and we had to relieve our way through the crowd to our table. Once we got to the table we sat down across from Savannah and she gave us her warm smile "made it through alive mate?" She said in her Australian accent.

"yes puppet"I said matching her smile. Don't ask me where the nickname puppet came from because frankly I don't know. For some reason I believe that it came from pirates of the Caribbean. I think I was making fun of of the way that she said puppet and it just kind of stuck.

Carly let out a sigh. "god I'm hungry" she said.

"You're always hungry" savannah said causing both her and I to chuckle.

"what is that supposed mean?" She asked.

"Don't you remember last year?" Savannah asked. "The I want chocolate, I want french fries, I want salt vinegar chips, I want a blizzard from Dairy Queen, I want gummy bears." She laughed.

Carly frowned at her. "I was pregnant, I had cravings."

"And we love you anyways." I said smiling and then she kicked me in the ankle. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"You were making fun of me"she said and took a bite of her sandwich.

"come on Car, you know we would never do anything to actually hurt you." Savannah said to her and Carly gave us a small smile saying yeah I know. "so are we still on for this weekend?" Savannah asked changing the subject.

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