Chapter Eight!-Drunken Sex!

Depuis le début

'Stop... Touching me.' He whispered, his voice shaking slightly. I smiled, removing my hand and moved off of the hard shoulder and went in search of a Premier Inn... For that damned drink thats been on my mind for hours!


~Harry's POV~

'Harry d-dance with me!' Yelled Louis from across the strangely busy bar at the Premier Inn he managed to get a room booked in! I grinned, grabbing my beer bottle and stumbling over to him. He honestly had to be the sexiest being in here. Ugh his hips swaying all nice and stuff, the band of his boxers showing as his shirt had gone up as his arms were all up in the air. I crashed into the back of him making him giggle as I wrapped my arms around him, my hands stroking at the exposed, very toned tanned stomach of his.


'W-What Lou?'

'Tickles s-stop it!'

I moved my hands onto his hips, roughly turning him round so he was facing me. His blue, eyeliner clad eyes were staring really unfocused into my green ones. Does he know whats happening? I never really thought about anything before, kissing the corner of his mouth where his lip ring was. I took it between my teeth and pulled softly, my tongue sliding through it and over his slightly parted lips. He moaned softly, pressing himself closer to me. I licked at his ring and he pushed against my chest. I pulled away reluctantly.

'W-What?' I asked, the need for Louis seemed oddly strong. He didn't reply with words. His hands grabbed at my shirt pulling me roughly forward, his lips crashing roughly onto mine. I moaned softly, my arms wrapping roughly round him. His lips were slightly chapped and the ring was slightly distracting and... Uhm difficult to work with but it was amazing. His arms wrapped tightly round my neck, pushing his body into mine. I stummbled backwards into the hard wall of the bar. Dominant much! He pulled away and I was a panting mess. My glasses were slightly squiffy on my face and I leaned my head back against the wall.

'God L-Louis!'

I felt his warm breath on my neck, sending violent shivers down my spine. His hands were now under my top, roaming over my body and pinging the band of my boxers lightly as he whispered,

'Lets go upstairs...'


I nodded eagerly. He grabbed my shirt and we left our glasses and bottles as we ran towards the stairs. My heart was pounding against my ribs, as we stumbled up the stairs. Louis was giggling away and I was grinning like a mad man! This was a strange thing to be happening because I wasn't complete hammered on my first time drinking, so I still had some recolection as to what was happening. My bully... The punk lad who "hates" my guts just snogged me and now basically wants to fuck my brains out! Not quite sure why I am complaining here but it just seems weird.

Weird... In a good way though!


'T-Take all your c-clothes off H-Harry! Meet me in the b-bathroom!'

I watched as Louis stumbled into the bathroom, smacking the wall making the light flicker on and some crazy ass sound happen! I blinked a few times before I heard the door close and the sound of water start running. That was enough to get me to strip off. I kicked off my trainers and pulled off my socks, before roughly tugging off my shorts and slidding my boxers down to my ankles. I pulled off my top and stepped out of my boxers before rushing to the bathroom door. I pulled my trembling fingers through my curls before barging in on Louis standing naked from the waist down, just pulling off his black top, revealing completely free tanned skin. No ink... No pictures or anything. When he'd pulled it off, his black dyed hair was all fluffed and messy. I watched as he was still unaware I was standing here. He was removing all his peircings, placing the rings and studs on the sink counter top.

Road Trip With Geek Boy! {Larry AU! Punk! Louis!}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant