Chapter 9 - Beth POV

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Derek asks me for what seems like the millionth time, as we pull in to our reserved parking spot near the Staples Center for the Grammys. Even though there are still two hours to go before the show goes live, we still need to get ready for press and get shown our seats in the audience, and Derek is announcing the winner for Best New Artist, so he has to rehearse his lines as well.

"Yes," I reply again, trying to hide my growing annoyance at his constant questioning. It doesn't help that the butterflies in my stomach are crazier than they've ever been. I wipe my sweating hands on the leather seat, trying not to get it on my outfit. I'm wearing a white and backless Ralph Lauren gown and Dolce and Gabbana heels.

"Okay, baby," Derek says, taking my hand and caressing it with his. "Don't be mad."

"I'm not, I'm just terrified," I admit, leaning it to his shoulder, being careful to not mess up my carefully curled hair.

"Don't worry, babe," he replies. "They'll love you."

Even though we discussed the idea of publicly revealing our relationship a little less than a month ago, and agreed it was for the best, I've still been dreading this day. Derek may be okay with the age difference and the potential criticism – after all, he's faced stuff like this since he began his career – but I'm not. No matter what I say, telling interviewers that I'm stronger than my bullies – which I am, most of the time – even making my DWTS most memorable year about it, it still makes me nervous to realize that some of my fans may not be cool with this. At all.

Derek chivalrously helps me out of the back of the limo, and we make our way down the red carpet. Though we see some reporters staring at us quite rudely, nobody says much. I'm positive they can all tell we'll be revealing our relationship soon enough.

One of the producers beckons Derek over, and I go to look for my seat while Derek steps onstage and begins rehearsing his script with charm and grace. We make eye contact, and I smile nervously and flirtatiously blow him a kiss.

I quickly find my seat, and getting slightly bored, I decide to walk around the arena. Looking intently at all the posters on the way, I walk down the long hallway until I accidentally bump into someone.

"Sorry," I mumble before a voice rings out. "Bethany!" I'm shocked. I'd know that voice from anywhere. I look up to see Janel staring at me and grinning.

"Omigod, hi!" I squeal excitedly, leaning it for a hug, relieved I found someone I know besides Derek. With our busy schedules, Janel and I have only been able to hang out once, back in December, and I've missed her a lot. Even though I became friends with the entire DWTS family, Janel was my closest one.

"I didn't know you were gonna be here!" Janel says happily.

"Well, I didn't know you were gonna be here, either! You should've texted me or something." I say, smiling. "Are you presenting anything?"

"No, not this year. I'm friends with one of the producers, though, and she got me a free pass," Janel grins, shaking her head. "What about you?"

"I'm not, either," I say. "I'm actually Derek's date. We've decided to publicize our relationship here." Janel's eyes go wide. "Woah, seriously? How did I not know this?"

"Girl, I'll text you all the deets next time," I laugh. "But for real, I'm actually terrified. Some people can be real assholes."

"Ya, I get what you mean," Janel nods in understanding. "Like how they were hating on Val and me during DWTS and saying our relationship wasn't real." I grimace. I remember back on DWTS when Janel would sometimes get really emotional over a few horrible comments, and we would bond over the mass amount of social media hate we both get.

"But don't stress, babe," she continues. "Everything will be fine. Your happiness with Derek is all that matters. Seriously, I'm so happy for you two. Back in November we were all rooting for y'all to realize your love for each other. You two were so oblivious I just wanted to shove your faces together and make you kiss." She laughs.

I blush. "I can't believe I spent so long stubbornly denying my feelings when I could've been making out with him, because he felt the same." Janel giggles, and we spend the rest of the time catching up on each other's lives until Derek joins us.

Before I know it, it's time to publicly debut our relationship. We position ourselves on the red carpet and I feel my palms begin to sweat. Derek immediately notices and comfortingly rubs his hands up and down my arms. "It's gonna be okay, babe," he murmurs into my neck. I shakily nod and linking hands, we start down the red carpet.

The flashes immediately go off, blinding me. I blink out the shining dots now in my view, and smile graciously for the cameras, praying that they didn't catch my awkward blunder that is sure to get gif-ed and laughed at immediately.

"Bethany! Derek! Derek! Bethany!" I hear the shouts coming from all directions, and Derek thankfully steadies me and leads me down to the first waiting reporter.

"So I think this is the moment we've all been waiting for. Are you two officially dating or not?" Derek looks at me, and I take a deep breath, ready to let the cat out of the bag.

"Yes," Derek says, slipping his arm around my waist.

"How did this happen?" the reporter questions.

"Well, you know, we were partners on last season of Dancing with the Stars. And we - or mostly me, actually - were planning to keep it professional as usual, y'know? And then our partnership turned into friendship, which just turned into something more." Derek replies gracefully.

"Yeah," I chime, getting my head out of my ass. "Everyone was always saying how our chemistry was growing, and even we couldn't deny that anymore, and we finally just confessed our mutual feelings to each other. The long distance is hard, of course, but I would say that our relationship is as strong as ever." Derek smiles at me lovingly, and I let out my breath.

"Would you say that this 10 year age difference will impact your relationship in any way?" I see Derek's slight smile vanish and his eyebrows furrow. It was a rude question, and purposely thrown at us to catch us off guard.

"I understand that some fans may have a problem with it, and at first, I guess it was a little weird, but you know, love is love, and it can overcome anything," I reply, smiling brightly for the camera.

"Yes, of course. Well thank you, and enjoy your time here!" The reporter says, and we move down the press line.

The awards go off without a hitch, and I'm almost dying to get back to the limo when it's finally over.

"You did great, baby," Derek compliments, as I lay my head on his shoulder, exhausted.

"Thanks," I grin slightly. "I really, really don't want to go online to see the reactions, though."

"Come on, babe, it'll be fine," Derek reassures, kissing me gently on the top of my head. "We'll be okay."

A/N: Hey guys!! It's been a very very long time since I've posted (oops!) I wrote a few chapters a while back and haven't posted them. I'm sorry for being MIA, but I've been busy and also I'm not really motivated to write :( plus I don't ship Motough as much as I used to because they never interact publicly anymore and I'm just growing out of them I guess :(( But I hope you guys enjoy! I will still be on hiatus, but I'll try to write more!

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