Chapter 5 - Beth POV

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A/N: I'm purposely changing some details for this chapter, and many such as Derek's family members' names and appearances may be inaccurate.

It's been about a month since Derek and I got together and we are closer than ever. Though long distance isn't ideal, we always manage to find time to text and/or FaceTime every day. Christmas is fast approaching, and with my family's blessing, I make plans to spend the last three days before Christmas Eve with the Houghs, flying by myself to California to spend the remaining days of 2014 with my family. Throughout the month, I've been working hard on some new videos for my amazing fans, as well as designing clothes and accessories for my Aeropostale line and even starting to write and produce new music. With Derek beside me, life is basically perfect. Though the constant traveling can be exhausting, it excites me to always be productive. It's something I look for in significant others, and Derek definitely is that kind of person as well.

My flight lands to the ground with a gentle thump, and as I look out the window to the runway, the butterflies in my stomach start acting up again. Though my first dinner with Derek's family was a success, this is different. This is three DAYS with the Houghs, and also my first time around them being Derek's girlfriend. Derek has assured me that they don't mind the age difference, but still, I'm nervous. I'm wearing a comfortable oversized knit sweater, leggings, and brown boots-casual but cute. As the flight attendant wishes us farewell over the speaker, I stand up and grab my purse, duffel bag, and small suitcase. Quickly exiting the plane, I walk into LAX and anxiously scan the perimeter for my waiting boyfriend. I walk for seemingly forever until I feel a pair of strong, comforting arms wrap around my waist. Though I jump at first, I instantly melt into his touch, the touch I've craved for some time now. I turn around and see Derek grinning at me, and I immediately wrap my arms around him for a hug, breathing in his delicious scent.

"Where were you?" I say with mock disapproval, swatting him lightly on the shoulder. "I've been looking all over for you!"

"I wanted to surprise you," Derek winks. "I've missed you."

"Well, you definitely did," I reply sarcastically. "I missed you too." Slowly untangling ourselves, Derek takes my suitcase with one hand and my own hand with the other. It's a perfect fit, his strong grip contrasting with my tiny fingers.

As we walk out of LAX, Derek updates me on his family. "Everyone's honestly so excited to see you. The girls have been anxiously asking when you're arriving since yesterday. We've all been helping in with cooking and baking and wrapping presents. We haven't finished decorating everything yet, but we were hoping you would help, 'cause you're part of the family now." I grin.

"Sounds amazing," I reply, kissing him on the cheek. "I can't wait."

"Well, enough about me and my family. Tell me everything about what's been up with you! How's your songwriting stuff coming along?" Derek says, and as he drives us to his family home, I eagerly fill him in on everything I didn't have time to say over text and FaceTime. It's amazing how much we have in common, Derek and I. We have so much to say to each other, and even when silence falls, it's not awkward-it's comfortable. Honestly, I've never felt this way around anyone else.

The nervousness that Derek's presence managed to push down suddenly comes back in full force when we actually arrive. Derek instantly senses my anxiety, and rubs my back comfortingly. "They'll love you," he murmurs into my neck as he wraps his arms around me. "Because I do."

I nod. "I hope so," I whisper back as he rings the doorbell. I'm trembling slightly in Derek's arms, and he continues to gently rub my arms and back in comfort, the way he used to do on Dancing with the Stars.

Derek's mom opens the door, and a warm smile spreads across her face as she takes us in. "Hi, Bethany! We've all been so excited about your arrival. Please come in." She's wearing a Christmas-y apron over her buttoned shirt and jeans, and steps out of the doorway so we can walk in.

"Thank you so much for all you've done, Mrs. Hough." I step out of Derek's embrace as I lean into her for a brief hug.

"Oh, please call me Marianne. Derek has been talking non-stop about you." I glance at Derek with a shy grin, noticing that a slight flush has crept into his cheeks.

"Okay, TMI, Mom. Let's hurry up so everybody else can meet Beth." Derek chuckles, embarrassed, and stifling a laugh, I poke him discreetly. As we walk further down the hallway, the scent of many delicious foods wafts from the kitchen.

"Mmmm, I'm hungry," I laugh, intertwining my fingers with Derek's.

"Well, dinner will be ready soon. In the meantime, have fun with the family!" Marianne winks, leaving Derek and me in the hallway and heading towards the kitchen.

"See? They love you already," he whispers reassuringly before taking me into a brief but loving kiss. As I walk into the living room, I nearly fall backwards due to Derek's young and adorable nieces running into my legs.

"Bethany, Bethany! She's here!" A little blond female Derek-lookalike squeals in delight.

"This is Skye," Derek introduces, grinning. I quickly meet two more of Derek's nieces, and they all want me to do their makeup. Derek ushers them into an empty guest room, and I immediately get to work.

"So if you all want to get your makeup done, you'll have to patient, okay?" I coo. I've had tons of experience with kids from my own niece, Marin. They nod, wide-eyed in wonder. "So, who wants to be my assistant?" I announce. All three hands shoot up, and I choose Skye.

"This is a very important job, got it? Only a few people can be my assistant, so you have to help choose the very best makeup and looks for your customers." Skye nods, completely serious, and I resist a laugh. "Okay, Ava will be first. But if the rest of you have some looks you want, be sure to tell Skye." I spread out my and some of Katherine's makeup she lent me and we begin.

Ava and Alia have all been finished and sent out to show their parents. As I apply Skye's makeup last, she says, "My mom told me that if you're with someone, that means you love them. Do you love Uncle Derek, Bethany?"

"Very much, sweetheart," I say, laughing.

"Good. Because he loves you very much. He always talks about how you're perfect for him." Skye replies. She doesn't notice that I stiffen slightly. Derek has never told me he loves me, but I'm incredibly flattered that he talks to his family about me and almost want to cry.

"Awww, thank you so much. But I think now's the time for you to make your debut!" I say, taking her hand and leading her out the room.

The night quickly flies by, and after 11, most of the Houghs have gone upstairs. Derek and I are cuddling on the couch, watching videos on my phone, but after a while, he silently takes my hand and we head upstairs.

A/N: So I wasn't sure how to end it, sorry if it's kinda weird. Also, nobody commented any suggestions on what you want to see on my last chapter :( Please comment some!!

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