Part 5: School

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My day started off as a rough start. I don't think I need to explain to you why...

I packed my stuff in my bag and proceeded to check the door to the attic to see if it was still locked... It was.

After that I worryingly set of to school. I walk as it isn't that far from here. I soon arrived and sat down at my desk, mind flooding with the worst case scenarios that could happen. It got me thinking of the doll getting loose... It got me thinking that the doll came to the school... All sorts of possibilities which got my heart pumping.

The teacher soon arrived to class and then everyone proceeded to be quiet. Our teacher is a bitch, there's no denying that. That's why I KEEP my mouth shut throughout the entire time she is here unless I get called up, in other words get picked on. I'm sure she hates me! She gives me this burning look as if she is staring into the depths of my soul trying to take it out of me. I swear, I can never make eye contact with her without feeling like I'm being possessed. She hates to be argued with, even if she is wrong. Stupid cow...

It was about 30 minuits into the lesson. I could feel myself beginning to sweat as time was running incredibly slow and painful. I don't know how long of this I could take...

The bell goes off for next lesson in 20 minuits... What shall I do until then besides listening to the moaning hags voice? I went down into my bag and brought out my art pencil an paper... I sneakily drew in class all the time... If the teacher comes to the back of the class I quickly hide everything behind the books on the shelf conveniently placed next to my place...

If she was to catch me then... I don't want to know what would happen..

Do you ever doodle on a piece of paper without even paying attention to what you are drawing? I don't... Not until now.. It's like my mind had just shut off from reality and wondered of to another dimension because all of a sudden, I realised what I was drawing...

"Miss! Look what Alex is doing!"

Who was that?
I looked to where the sound was coming from.
Gina! A.K.A.... what the fuck do I call her? She doesn't know when to shut up. And now out of all the things I have drawn she decides to tell miss now!? Maybe I can hide it or something. do I still have time? No. Because before I know it. The drawing was snatched out of my hands by the teacher...
Ooohhhhh I'm so in trouble! What do I do? I can't do anything! I stared at Gina and she stared back. Except her stare was more of a sassy smirk more than anything...
"Oh! Class! Come an look at what Alex has drawn for the whole class to see!" Miss said.
Everyone gathered around misses desk but before they could even get there she held the drawing up...
Why is this happening to me!? Everyone stared at the drawing in total shock and silence. And then their eyes travelled to me.

It felt like there was 1000 eyes staring at me... This was not happening! Except it was...
"Yo! What is wrong with you?"
"What are you sick?"
"That is discusting!"
All of the peoples comments where going round and round like an endless carousel in my mind.
"Sshhhhhh sshhhhhh quiet class! Let's see what Alex has to say about this!" The teacher looked at me...
And so was everyone else.
The drawing of a knife in someone's heart, along with the insides and liver on the floor whilst the body lets out it's liquid was then put down on the teachers desk...

Why... Why did I draw that?!
What is wrong with me!?
Am I sick?
All of a sudden, my mind went blank and I just thought of the anger that was now building inside of me. HOW DARE SHE HUMILIATE ME LIKE THIS! Why does she pick on me? For fun!? I didn't know what I was doing! Give me a detention or something but dont show the whole fucking class!
my anger wasn't going to let up. It was rising and I couldn't stop it. I wanted to die right there and then...
"Well Alex? We are all waiting!"
My eyes darted into the teachers eyes through my hair... I wanted her to feel the feeling of someone staring into you... And then, without holding myself back. I replied...
"Go... Fuck Yourself!"
The whole class gasped in shock along with the teacher.
"Yeah that's right! Here I am feeling humiliated like a fucking retard whilst you all stare at me like I'm some circus clown! You treat me like a pet every day! Well im sick of it!"
Everyone went silent... Except for one..
"Oh miss that is a straight up after school detention or worse!"
It was Gina.. Of course. She was leaning into her crush she's been stalking for a month now who clearly doesn't want her.
"How about you shut your slut mouth! Honestly, just let the world at peace and go back to your own planet where you belong! Earth is full! Deal with it! And stop stalking mike like he's some sort of slave! He clearly doesn't like you so just bog off you ignorent.. Desperate... Cow-!"
My anger died down to a sting on the face made by the teachers hand.. The whole class stared in shock as the bell went... I froze my position, facing the wall in disbelief...
"Everyone leave! Now!" The teacher yelled.
"Except for you!" She said to me.
"I think I gathered that!" I annoyingly said.
She can't hit me can she? That's not legal! Is it? Not in this century! The fuck does she think she's living in? The 20s when she was born?! She looked down at me in horror. Her eyes bulging.
She yelled at the top of her lungs.
I stayed in my position. Until I turned to face her. I could see my reflection in her glasses... My right check was boiling red...
"WELL!?!" She asked again.
I didn't answer. I just stared back. She can't hit me like that no matter what i say!
"Please can I get dismissed?" I asked.
"I'm pretty sure you heard me the first time..." I answered.
I sat in silence for a few seconds before answering..
"Some answers remain unknown.. You for example... Still haven't answered my question about how to deal with bullies the other day because you was too busy stuffing your fat ass with a donut, so if you will excuse me I have a class to get to"
I stood up and started to walk out until she grabbed my arm..
"Where do you think you are going?" She asked.
"I just told you! And I suggest you get your hands of me or else it won't end well for you!"
She let go so I could continue to walk to my next class. I didn't care if she was gonna call the office. I didn't care what she was planning in her stupid-
I froze on the spot. In the middle of the dead silent hallway. I stared out of the widow, to see chucky climbing up the steps to the school...

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