Chapter 9

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The next morning she was on the back porch watching the dogs sun themselves, her feet up on the table, and a cup of coffee in her hand when a shadow suddenly blocked her light, startled she looked up to see Hilliard looking at the dogs holding a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"You're back?"

"Yes. Had I known we weren't going to be gone very long I wouldn't have asked you to stay."

She shrugged, taking her feet off of the table.

"No, don't rush off." He put his hand on her arm keeping her from getting up completely.

She eased back into her seat feeling a little awkward because of the kiss they had shared the night before. Granted, it was just a kiss, but for her it was her first kiss, and the fact that it had happened with a man like Hilliard made her feel shocked and, if she was honest, a little excited. She wondered what he was thinking as they sat in silence watching the dogs.

"You look tired," she stated the obvious.

"I am." He rubbed his face not elaborating.

The awkwardness grew as they sat for a few more minutes before Charlie could no longer take the silence and jumped to her feet.

"To hell with it," He said as he rose quickly and pulled her to him, causing Charlie yelp in surprise just as his lips took hers. This time he was not as gentle as his teeth nipped at her bottom lip.

She held still, shocked, trying to figure out what she felt as he placed his hand in the small of her back and pulled her against him. When her body came into complete contact with his she gasped at heat that shot through her. Whatever she was feeling it wasn't fear.

Taking advantage of that gasp he deepened the kiss as his tongue invaded her mouth and his other hand wound its way through her hair. Her legs were tangled with his and her tank top did nothing to preserve her modesty as he crushed her against his chest. Her arms hung limply at her sides, but she knew it wasn't fear that kept her from returning his kiss it was a complete lack of knowledge of what she should do.

His lips left hers but he didn't release her. "It's all right Charlie."

She took a deep breath which was a mistake because it reminded her of how very little she was wearing. "Why did you do that?" She looked at his neck focusing on the chain that hung around it.

"Because I wanted to and I have wanted to for a while now." He tilted her chin up with his fingers.

She licked her lips automatically, not even aware that she was doing it. "But you kissed me last night?" she asked not understanding. "You even said that it was a bad idea." She watched as his lips quirked in amusement, all of her attention focused on them.

"Don't you ever do something that you know is a bad idea but you just can't resist? Like eating an extra piece of chocolate or having that extra glass of wine?"

"Yes, but those things would only affect me. Not you?"

"So my kiss affected you?" he asked his voice low and husky. It was a tone she had never heard from him and it did funny things to her insides.

"Of course it did. Did you think it wouldn't?"

"I had my doubts."

They were silent as Charlie continued to stare at his lips.

"Touch me Charlie."

"Now wait a minute." She moved to step back and he immediately let her go.

"I get the feeling that you have never simply touched a man and not in a sexual way, in a friendly, sentimental way."

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