"That's good to hear gi-gi but..... why now I asked not really believing her."

"I dont know you kinda snapped some sense into me....... literally she said laughing awkwardly rubbing the back of her head."

I nodded my head not really feeling her at the moment.

"I actually was going to the apartment to tell you but I saw you hear she said trying to feel the silence. Again I nodded my head at what she said. I wanted to apoligize- she said finally turning to look at me her eyes widening what in the world happened to you she said looking at me a glint in her eye."

"Johnny I said looking ahead not really wanting to discuss what happpened. "

"When she asked her voice sounding different I couldnt really pin point what had changed but I know something did I turned and looked at her. an there was definetly something in her eyes I just concluded it was drugs."

"A couple of months ago I said non-chalantly."

"Why didnt you try to get into contact with me kace she said sounding upset."

I shrugged my shoulders, the guys had wanted me to try an give them leads on how to get into contact with her but I wasnt feeling that at all. I didn't want to tell her anything about what happened she wouldnt care all she'd be thinking about was her next fix.

"You know what I dont want to start a argument with you, I missed you kace she said looking at me an I want you to see that Im' getting my life together alright. So I wanted to ask if you could come see my place with me."

My eyebrows shot to my hairline I was surprised at her. she was ..... serious about this,huh thats a surprise. But you know what I had a drop of remorse and faith and dare I say hope? so I think I'll just check it out. You never know,maybe the time she had away from me was actually what she needed. An I surprised myself by saying...... yes.

"Really? Thank you I promise today will be a day you'll never forget Kace she said hoping up and clapping her hathoughtWow I had never seen her this delighted about spending time with me maybe she had really changed I thought.

I pushed myself up and stood next to her ,her height dwarfing mine she had tooken after my father in that department while I got my mothers height. I pulled my phone out about to text the guys that I was going to chill with my sister for a few minutes.

"Who ya texting she asked."

"Trent and Chris they want me to tell them where im at when I go places I said about to tap there contacts to message one of them."

"Oh come on your with your big sis I wouldnt let anything happen to you while your in my care besides you can tell them when you see them she said in a cheerful voice."

"I looked at her and smiled you know what I'll do just that huuuh we'd only be at your place for a few minutes right? So whats the big deal I won't text them for that."

She nodded her head and we proceeded walking.

When we got to her neighborhood I noticed alot of downsides it seemed very dangerous I leaned over and whispered into gi-gi's ear. This neighborhood isn't safe I said looking at a man eyeing me up and down like I was a piece of meat which made me sick to my stomach.

"I know and when I get enough money I'll move but until then this is all I could afford right now she said..... is the notorius knock out scared though? I mean you use to beat a person to a pulp back when you where in the y2k gang she said looking at me a ghost of a smile on her face."

"That was before I got on my medicine gi-gi so I'm not what I used to be I said looking at her curiously."

"Mhmm oh that reminds me I've always wanted to ask how did you know to goto the doctor and check that you were bipolar for sure she asked."

Two for one #Wattys2015 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now