Chapter 51

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I grasped my stomach tighter, and I started throwing up more. Marshall was holding my hair back for me, being extra careful. I coughed, being sure I got all of it out before I grabbed toilet paper and wiped my mouth.

"You okay?" Marshall asked, kneeling down closer to me.

We were in his private bathroom. I woke up that morning with a headache, and feeling nauseous, but a new nauseous. Last time I felt like this it went away when I started motivating, now I felt so nauseous I almost couldn't muster the strength to run to the bathroom and puke.

I nod my head no, still gripping my stomach. Marshall has been home for barely a week now, which is great. His scar is healing good as well, but he still can't do too many activities, including sex (although, we have a solution for that).

Marshall pulled me into his arms, rubbing my back. I burried my face in his chest, taking some steady breaths to try and calm myself down. This is not how I wanted to start off my morning.

"I'm gonna go downstairs and start breakfast, alright? Why don't you lay down for a little while longer," he suggested, ruffling my hair.

I shrugged, but decided it was better for us both. He stood up, and began walking out of the bathroom. I stood there staring at the ceiling, watching a small spider travel around the pale color before Marshall turned back into the bathroom. He looked at me with questionable eyes.

"Are you just gonna sit there?" he chuckled.

"Carry me," I joked. I had a smile on my face, but eyes of defeat. I did feel weak, and dehydrated, so if I stood up I might have blacked out.

I heard Marshall laugh under his breath. He walked back into the bathroom, and over to me. Picking me up gently and bridal style (my favorite way) he walked me back over to our bed. I don't think I've ever referred to it as 'our bed'. I never looked at it as ours until he proposed. It doesn't matter how long we were sharing that bed, cuddling in that bed, or fucking in that bed, I still saw it as his bed. Or just planely 'the bed'.

Marshall gently set me down on the bed. I got under the covers myself. He ran his hand up and down my arm.

"Do you need anything else, baby?" he asked, his blue eyes following mine wherever they shifted.

"No, thank you," I replied.

He nodded his head, and went in for a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you," he whispered softly, his hand finding it's way to mine.

"I love you more," I teased.

He let my hand go, and walked out with a soft, closed lip smile. I just turned in bed to lay in my preffered sleeping position; my back. I grasped my stomach. How could I feel this nauseous when I just threw up dinner? My stomach was just churning, but at the same time I wanted to eat everything I could find. I was craving something salty.

Wait! When was the last time I craved something salty? That was a weird and sudden craving.

I took my cellphone that was laying on my bedside. It unlocked, and I swiped to my search engine to look up my symptoms.

I don't like walking into the doctor's without a clue of what I might have, or not having a clue in general, so if I'm sick I look up my symptoms for possibilities on what I might have. I typed what I was feeling; nausea, stomach pain, headaches, and cravings. It loaded, and as it did I heard someone approaching the door. Alaina, stepped into the room quietly and peered over at me.

"Hi, Mom. How you feeling?" she asked, walking over to the bed.

I looked from my cellphone to her. "I'm feeling better,"

Finally, my search results came up. I scrolled through, trying to find something other then the top answer. No way the top answer could be true. I can't he pregnant.

"Oh my god," I gasped under my breath.

"What's wrong?" Alaina pried, scooting over closer.

She looked at my phone, and only needed to read a few titles of articles before she as well gasped.

"You think you're pregnant?" she said, her eyes glowing.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Only one way to find out,"

I needed to take a test, but there was no way I could go out alone to get it. People already know who I am. My face has surfaced and my titles is "Eminem's Fiancé". If I go out and people snap a picture of me with a pregnancy test, then all hell breaks loose, and Marshall can't find out I'm pregnant through the entertainment industry. That's just not fair.

Instead, I'm going to have Lelieda bring over a test. I know for a fact she'll have an extra one. A few months ago, Lelieda and John were trying to have another kid, so she bought a few tests. Sadly, they failed three times and just gave up. Meaning there still is one or two more.

I opened up my messages and went straight for Lelieda. I texted:

"Hey, no time to explain but I need u to come over a secretely bring a pregnancy test. Don't tell ANYONE you're here to bring me a test,"

and I pressed send.

"This is so exciting!" Alaina clapped.

I laughed. I was excited too. I'm going to be having Marshall's baby. At least that's what the internet is telling me.

"What will you name it?" she questioned.

"I don't even know if I'm pregnant yet!" I laughed.

She laughed along. My phone buzzed, and I looked down to read Lelieda's text.

"OHMYGOD OHMYGOD I'll be right over!!!!!!!!" she sent.

I rolled my eyes. She get's too overly excited when it comes to pregnancy. You can't blame her, she failed to when she wanted it most. So she is always trying to stay on top of her loved one's pregnancy. It's sweet, but creepy.

"Daya?" Alaina looked over to me.

"Mhm?"  I replied, still scrolling through my phone and trying to find some other explanation.

"If you're pregnant, and it is a girl, could you name it Elliana? I always loved that name," he smiled.

I placed my hand on her shoulder, and shook it a little. "I would have to talk to your father about it, but I don't think he'd mind,".

Her smile grew, and it made mine grow just as big. Now that she is coming up with names, I really hope I see those two lines on the test.

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