The Sugar High

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So I haven't updated this in a while, even though I've still been making covers... I'm just too *coughlazycough* and also actually doing a shit tonne of school assignments.

I know y'all probably don't want to know my life story (prepare yourself for a long ass rant or you know... just don't read it, your choice) but I recently received a commerce assignment where the entire class has to work together to make a newspaper on different criminals and law cases. I don't know how the hell she thought that was going to turn out, since my class has legit zero communication skills but whatever.

And instead of the teacher assigning the roles, she let us choose. That was a bad idea. A very bad idea. So I went and chose to be a designer cause  thought that would be all creative and shit. Oh boy, was I wrong. It turns out that all I do is wait for people to hand in their articles, which by the way got emailed to me at 11pm yesterday night and guess what? Its due today. Then when I got the articles all I have to do now is to try to stick 3 articles, one page in length each, onto a single page (which is as impossible as it sounds). After I manage to finish one page, I check my email again and realise that I have six more pages to go.

I regret everything.

-the criminal covermaker (found guilty of procrastination)

Also the request was posted about a month ago. That's how much I procrastinate.

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