chapter three

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It's been three hours since the doors closed.

I still can't believe that happened, my only friends, just gone. Everyone I cared about and cared about me have vanished, never to be seen again.

The other Gladers have gone to bed, but I still haven't left the doors. I skipped dinner, I don't want to sit all alone at our table. Frypan left some food for me, but I haven't touched it. It's not worth eating if I'm never going to see my friends again.

It's not worth living if I'm never going to see my friends again.

I'm just sitting here, wallowing in self-pity with nothing I care about, nothing to live for.

I should have climbed higher when I jumped. I could try again. I could do it, but is that what my friends would want for me?

I know they'd be disappointed if I did it again, but I know they wouldn't want me to feel this pain, a pain that they caused. They would want to see me again, wherever that may be. If I don't do this it won't ever happen, but if I do it might.

I've decided, if they die, I die with them. Tomorrow when the doors open, I'm going into the maze.

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