chapter two

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It's dead silent. It seems as if the Glade stands still. Slowly, the other Gladers leave the doors and go to the Homestead. I'm the last one left, but I don't think I can go.

Alby, Minho and Thomas were all I had. I've only known Thomas for a little while, but we were already friends.

Minho had been my running partner before I jumped off the bloody wall. He was the one who found me on the maze floor. He got Alby and they dragged me back to the Glade.

And Alby... How do I even begin to explain Alby? We were the first ones here, we've suffered this hell the longest.

But by now Alby is definitely gone, he can't survive a griever sting without the medjacks. And there is no way in hell Thomas and Minho can survive a night in the maze. Tommy's just a greenie, he has no chance. I don't know why he even went with them. And Minho, even though he's Keeper of the Runners, he's no match for a griever.

I don't know what I'll do without them...

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