2. 'Knowing You You Might Want To Get That Checked'

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Knowing You, You Might Want To Get That Checked

Facebook was boring me and I'd never leave if I went on Pinterest. Scrolling though my news feed and eating my pancakes was an average beginning to an average day.

"Sally!" I heard James call from the bathroom.

"Yeah?" What did he want now?

I hear the water turn off and James emerges from the bathroom, a towel around his waist. It's not the first and it's probably not going to be the last time I see James half naked. I didn't mind the sight but, come on, it's James.

"Sally, is she enjoying your pancakes?" He said. He was in the middle of drying his hair. It was black and shiny when it was wet otherwise it's just dark and full of gel.

"If by she, you mean me. Than yes. Yes, I am." I said more to myself than anyone.

He ignored the fact that he was in a towel and propped himself up next to me. I could see his hand coming from a mile away as he reached for one of my pancakes. I slapped it away and dragged my plate across the counter.

"Ah, ah, ah. It's the tax. You scared her away so I get a pancake. Now give." He looked me directly in the eye. My triumphant feeling didn't last long as he stole the biggest pancake from the stack.

"I wanted that one!" I groaned. He looked smug and took the biggest bite I had ever seen. "Pig." I rolled my eyes at him and he grinned with pancake in his mouth.

"How'd you scare her away this time?" It was a normal question, asked after every conquest the next morning.

"Rat poison in the pancakes." I said bluntly, knowing full well that he'd think there really was rat poison. He choked and tried to recover with a strangled laugh.

"Uh...Ha, you got me," He looked a little embarrassed. But quickly hid it with a pancake. "Don't you have a lunch to go to?" He asked with a mouthful of food.

"How'd you-- Courtney." I scrunched up my face in disgust as he kept shovelling the rest of the half-eaten pancake down his throat. Of course Courtney would've texted him. She's always telling him my plans.

I once told her about a date that I was going on and guess who showed up that night. Yep. James brought his own date and spent the entire time dry humping her. Worst date ever. The guy was cute too.

"I'm going to go have a shower, you should get out of that towel." I added, not realising the way he'd take it. "And no, that was not an offer. I meant get changed, you have a lecture tomorrow." I stated.

He trudged off and started whining. He mumbled something under his breath. Probably something about our joint class. We shared a English Lit class and alternated our lectures.

I slid off the bench stool and padded to the shower. I heard James start to sing. From the muffled sounds coming through the wall, it sounded like he was in his room. I chuckled to myself and hopped in the shower. I stood there for a while just thinking. I let the water run off me and bathed in the warmth.

"I need to take a piss." Without even knocking he walked into the bathroom. Not the first time but it irritated me nonetheless. The shower curtain was a milky white so there was no way he could see me if I wasn't touching the curtain.

I heard the lid of the toilet open and James dramatically sighed. He began to hum and I knew the tune well. It was Hallelujah by Panic! At The Disco and I found myself singing along.

"Is this a duet?" I knew he was smirking. That's how well I knew him. All his cocky questions were always asked with a slight smirk. It frustrated me to Hell and back.

Sally VS JamesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ