Chapter 1: Levin the Prophet

Start from the beginning

Life disgusted buy the humans uttered her final words to them. "Your race has shown to be a pitiful one. I pity those who are of brainless as to attack there God, but never the less you will be punished. For one day a time will come when inside your pathetic race is a spark of us, evolution will take hold and it will tear you're society apart. Until the day that my sisters see you accepting those who are different, and we rain down from the heavens to help you you will be on you're own. "Goodbye low life's, and good ridden's." and with those parting words each of the Goddesses glowed as they disappeared never to be seen again" Charles read the last line closing the book, looking around at his class, Nightcrawler, Kitty, Rouge, Bobby,Jubilee, even Wolverine, Jean, and Scott had listened in.

"Now can anyone tell me what was just read to you?" he asked looking around. Kitty raised her hand "Yes, Kitty?"

"Some Myth about how mutation came to be?" she quizzed

"Exactly correct. Myths being the foundation of reason and truth, this could very well be true. But it is marked off as a myth due to low evidence supporting it." Charles explained setting the book on the desk and positioned his wheel chair in front of the desk. "Do you think, if you were in the same position of Life would you have reacted as she did?"


"Late to school again I see, Levin?" Mr. K raised an eyebrow looking at the door where a petite girl with puffy red hair and glasses had just slipped in.

"U-Um sorry, I had a hard time getting to school" the Choir teacher raised an eyebrow before gesturing to the only empty seat left in the group of about 15 students. Levin quickly scampered over to her seat next to the only boy in her choir class, and Mr. K continued with his lesson on the different sound ranges.

Choir class was always Levin's favorite at school. Being her Homeroom she spent most of her time here, and as strict as Mr. K was he always let there tiny class have break time.

"Soooooo" Nicki, the only guy in class, looked over at Levin "What is it this time? Get attacked by rabid opossum's on your walk here?"

"Oh shut up Nicki!" Levin mumbled playfully. Nicki and Levin had been friends for three years, they met in Sixth grade and had been in each others classes all the way up to this year, Eighth grade. They had shared there love of the Japanese Otaku culture and had even had 'musical nights' where they would go to Nicki's house and watch the musicals based off of the manga's.

"So I here a new Kuroshitsuji musical is coming out. With a returning cast from The Most Beautiful Death in The World" Nicki smiled he always had a way of getting his hands on leaked info

"Really!" Levin beamed "I always said that Yuya Matsushita-san made the best Sebastian!" They both laughed Anime and Manga were not just hobbies to them it was a lifestyle they enjoyed together.

"Oh I forgot to tell you" Nicki fished a pair of tickets out of and envelope in his binder "Everything is all set to see the Live performance of the Blue Exorcist Musical. Did you get your plane ticket to Tokyo yet?"

"Oh.. Of course I have! I bought it a while back" Levin smiled, it was a trip the two of them had been planning since Sixth grade, she obviously had already bought the ticket.

"Great! Any way, about the new Kuroshitsuji musical, I heard its about the Jack The Ripper arc and we may get more Grell singing, other the R-Shitei, and both Madame Red and William stick up his butt will get there own songs!"

"Hey as long as I get another fabulous intro song by Matsushita-san, like Keiyaku, I'm chill" Levin said flashing a double thumbs up. The whole room, even the two Otaku's laughter, fell silent as the Code Red bell sounded. "C-Code red!?" Levin looked at the flashing alert system "That means.." she looked at Nicki

"A shooter on campus!" Nicki said finishing her sentence.

"Everyone calm down!" Mr. K soothed "Now get into the Violin room, turn out the lights and stay silent!" after he had headed all the kids into the room with no windows he locked the door, sliding the key under the door.

Levin felt the cold steel of the key on her hand, for she was sitting with her back on the wall to the right of the door. She quickly swooped up the key and with the other hand covered her mouth to control her breathing. Mr. K was normally a jokester pulling pranks was his thing. But the distressed look on his face meant only one thing. This was no Code Red Drill.

The sound of the door to the main room being broken down, felt like Levin had taken poison. Threw the darkness she could see a few of her other friends were close to tears, and even Nicki's pupils were dilated as he looked back at her. The sound of feet crunching over the broken wood door made Levin's controlled breath hitch.

"We're are your students" it was a gruff scratchy voice

"No where you will find them" Mr. K was as strong as ever.

The cock of a gun. First shot. Even though Levin sat in complete darkness of the violin room she knew what was happening, one hit to the shoulder. Second shot, the chest this time. Mr. K spat blood his eyes still fierce and strong. Third shot, another in the chest. Mr. K gasped for breath, and a thump as he collapsed to his knees. The shooters boots crunched on the carpet as he served the room before exiting the room.

Police sirens could be heard in the distance, now, and something clicked in Levin's mind. She had to do something. Levin had always known she was a mutant, and it never stopped her from going to school and making friends. She had never used her powers for anything other then a petty fortune telling business back in the 70s, when that was the "rage".

Levin grasped onto Nicki's hand getting his attention. The look in Nicki's eyes told her he was not letting her go out alone, she had found out Nicki was a mutant in the seventh grade. Slowly standing she unlocked the door with a steady hand, once Nicki and herself were out of the room she quickly locked the door.

Levin turned and as her eyes fell on Mr. K, she was upset that she was right. He had been shot three times. Both herself and Nicki rushed over to him, he was laying close to the door his early 30s slim figure was now brandished with three new holes. "H-Hey Mr. K" Levin's voiced quivered as she held on tightly to her dying teachers hands

"Lev..." He tried to speak but Levin shushed him.

"You shouldn't be speaking. Not until the police come, alright."

"Levin" Mr. K squeezed her hand "I'm not...going to make it that long..."

"B-But, Mr. K!" Levin blinked back tears as she felt bile rise in her throat, this man was dying "Y-You haven't even done the sound checks for the alto section yet!" she thought quickly, if she could just keep her teachers mind from his pain "Y-Yeah...Nicki and I had a beautiful song planned to!"

Nicki, who's eyes glowed bright white as he put up an invisibility field around the dying choir master, nodded holding a weak smile as he looked over at his teacher and his best friend. "That's right Mr. K, and Levin and I worked so hard to plan and compose the song"

"An original..." Mr. K choked out blood starting to drip from the side of his mouth "C-Could you sing it"

Levin smiled as Nicki's hand glowed and he pulled the grand piano into the invisibility dome, and started to play a mixture of high and low, cords and keys, that sounded like bells ringing. Her voice was hesitant as she blocked out tears and only wavered for a second before the lyrics came out clearly,

"♫...Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong, I can hear the bells. Ding-Dong, oh, Ding-Dong the bells call out. Oh~ I can hear them now, aho Dig-Dong Dig-Dong, the bells the bells, that charming sound, the bells oh the bells! Ding-Dong the bells they call out...♫" Levin's singing faltered as she felt Mr. K's hand fall limp. She glanced up at him, his eyes were closed and he had a pleasant smile on his face like he had drifted off to sleep.

"L-Levin..." Nicki mumbled taking his hands off the piano.

"That murdering bastard said he wanted to know where Mr. K's students are, so lets go find him" Levin spat standing, Nicki nodded quickly lowering the invisibility field, before walking out of the door with her.

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