"I think maybe Cara locked the door thinking everyone was in bed."


"Yeah our house maid" I say casually.
He raises his left eyebrow and smirks.

"Hey it's not weird." I say defending myself.
"I didn't say it was weird. It's just not that common."
We stand awkwardly for a few moments till he clears his throat

"So how are we going to get in?"
"Oh I'll call Gem my... um.. friend. She might be still awake."

I pull out my phone and press the button for it to turn on and my eyes widen when I see what time it is.
*It's 4 am oh god. please don't let her hate me for this if she's sleeping."

I click on her name and call her.
She doesn't answer so I call a few more times and she still doesn't pick up. I sigh and look up at Zayn and shake my head. I bite my lip nervously a habit that I have always had, and try to think of a way in.
*Oh throw a rock at her window!*

Zayn looks at me noticing me perk up.
I smile . "Hey let's walk to the side of the house  so we can get to her window. Oh on the left side"

He nods agreeing with me. As he carries me to the side of the "house", I notice that the light that was on before is now turned off. When we get there he sets me down and I thank him quietly.

I bend over picking up a rock about to throw it.
"Wait what are you doing?" He asked like as if I was stupid.

"I'm gonna throw a rock at her window." I say as if it was obvious.

"Are you sure you should do that?" He looks uncomfortable with the idea.

"Yeah." I say a little too snoody.
He gives me a look the shrugs and puts his hands up.

I throw the rock hitting the bricks right below her window sill. "ughhh"
I pick another one up and throw.
Like watching it in slow motion I see it fall short hitting a window on the second floor shattering it.

*Oh. Shit.*
My eyes widen with fear and I look over at Zayn who is trying not to burst with laughter.
*I just really hope it's not Liam's window*

I look to see a head with curly hair sticking out the window.

"What the bloody hell? Who are you?!" I hear a deep groggy voice yell.

*Harry. Praise God!*
I hear laughter and look over at Zayn who is bending over holding his stomach.

"Hey Harry Im so sorry! Its me Michaella . It's just I got locked out of the house and I was trying to wake Gem up by throwing a rock at her window and I missed! " I yell feeling bad.

I hear his groan. "It's fine. I'll come let you in by the kitchen door ." He walks away from the window.

I look over at Zayn, he gives me two thumbs up. "Good shot babe." And starts laughing again.
When he says babe my cheeks automatically heat up. .
Two minutes later I see the kitchen door open and Zayn helps me hop to the door.

When Harry sees me and worry is written all over his features. "Oh my god, are you ok? Your head is bleeding again." His hands cup my face holding it looking a my forehead.

He then looks into my eyes with his piercing green eyes. Lowering his eyes he looks at my lips then back up to my eyes again.

I feel my face get warm and my stomach do a little flip. I bite my lip nervously.
He softly smiles. We then hear a cough.

*Zayn. Oh my word I forgot about him for a moment.*

Harry's hands fall from my face. As soon as the leave I yearn for them to hold my face again.

Hiding Place (H.S)Where stories live. Discover now