Chapter XVI: Starla

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Starla had been spared for the most part from the tortures of the others, other than the initial one that happened when they were brought in. After that, she had been taken to a stainless, padded, white room, and was left to pace under the forever-lit, abrasive lights. She was even left with her original white dress.

She had been thinking why she was kept from harm. She knew the others felt the pain. The room she had been placed in was located close enough to the torture room that she could hear the screams. The howls, the caterwauls, the screeching cries; she could hear them all, going on as long as the lights were on. That was one of her theories. That they thought she would break down from knowing their torture.

She did not know what it was like on the outside. Where all women had her same short blonde hair (women didn’t work at the prison so she could have no idea). She didn’t know that they kept her, waiting for her to say she had been kidnapped and brainwashed. Admission that they could broadcast to show what these malicious heathens were like.

Something broke the calm sea. A ripple, caused by a stone of noise. Starla ambled to the small window that could be used to peer into the hall, her feet squealing as they reacted to the mat floor.

“Pia?” She whispered to herself. She double-checked, but could indeed see Pia jogging down the hall, a shorter man on her tail. “PIA!!” She cried, hoping Pia could save her, as it seemed like she had just saved herself. As Pia ran (though Starla knew she had heard her, as she had turned around for a brief second), Starla went back into the depths of the white, knowing that that was her last chance. And now, all she had left to wait for was death.

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