chapter 1

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Se-yi's POV
'Seyi , how could you get kicked out ? Didn't I ask you to stop acting like a rebel and start acting like a lady ? How are we going to present you as our daughter in front of everyone ,friends , family ?' My mother questioned my shouting as politely as she could. 'I wish my daughter you'd change I wish I had a different daughter' she said .

I was listening to her quitely but that was it. I was done. I lost it 'What do you mean a different daughter? what do you mean change ? I am tired of changing who I am. Tired or trying to fit in your world ! I don't fit in ! So stop forcing to change , I don't want to be like you , SO LET ME BE !' I shouted there was silence on the other line indicating my mother's shock.

'IS THIS A WAY TO TALK TO YOUR MOTHER YOUNG LADY ' She shouted more like screamed so loudly I thought I'd lose my hearing. 'Where are your manner , you are banned to play music or anything related to it , concentrate on studies there. I'll talk to the principal , he'll let you back in' she said not so loud as before.

'NO! I don't want to didn't I just say leave me be ? Why can't you understand ? I don't want to. Could you for once stop thinking as a wife of the CEO of a company and think as a mother and what your child wants. Have you ever cared about what I like , want ? Mother ! I don't want your luxurious fake life ! ' I said.

'That's it what have we not done for you ? Not want this life ? What do you want ? Can you live without money ? Can you ?' She questioned. At that moment I was questioning my own self 'Can I actually live without it?' I thought

'I don't know but Right now I am coming back to Korea. I can't stand living here anymore and just so you know this time they won't take me back in school , they are done with me and can't accept me as me just like you ' I said taunting her and quickly shut the phone before she could say something. I was tired I don't want to listen to her constant scolding right now. I just want to go back.

No ones POV (in Korea now )

Byunghee manhandled the camera to introduce 'my beloved friends'. The band is called eye candy ( visual so pleasing to the eyes that they're cleansing your sight ).

Byunghee lands the camera on Do-il the drummer of the band 'Always serious , All the time '. Then Ha-jin the Casanova bassist who was smooth talking the ticket girl and was dragged by the ear to practise. Hajin without any Shame announces that he is in this band to impress girls .

Hajin ask Jihyuk(serious lead ) why does he play ? . Byunghee pipes up ' because he likes me' Jihyuk ignoring that says he likes being in the band for himself. 'Wait ,I like being in the band to be with you -are you telling me I was in a one sided love ? ' byunghee says in a mock hurt. (Omg so cute ^-^ *author fangirls*)

Chic guitarist Hyunsoo says 'To be honest doesn't everyone wants to hit it big ?' Baby faced keyboardist Kyungjong chimes in that of course they do - he's gonna hit it big and rake in piles of money.

They turn the camera on their 'wacko leader' Byunghee and ask the same question. He waves that aside and says ' Shut up and lets go!' This was eye candy the underground who had fans from rich girls to tiny little school girls lining up to make an attendance for their show.

Show began and music started playing. They were enjoying themselves without realizing the the person in charge had turned on the outside speakers on because complains were filed in the neighbourhood and police had arrived. Byunghee saw the ticket girl stopping the police 'Guys run' he shouted. The others guys ran but somehow Byunghee and jihyuk got trapped upstairs.

They both looked down And saw the crowd of fans down. They both looked at each other and jumped , the crowd had gladly recieved them. This way both crowdsurfed their way out.

Se-yi's POV
I arrived Korea because of my wish but I didn't know what to do next. I couldn't face my parents as yet. I walked on random streets , when I heard some music. I looked around and saw some posters following the noise I went to the underground show. A band was playing, their music, it was amazing. It took me away. I couldn't see the members, just closed my eyes and listened and let the music pass through my ears.

Soon it stopped , I opened my eyes to see that police had arrived and in that ruckus I saw the band members running out but two of them got stuck upstairs. Both of them looked familiar 'why do they look so familiar' I thought. I couldn't figure out why but then I saw them jump from upthere.

I smirked at their crazy idea 'wackoo's' I thought. That's when it hit me 'what the... Is that... Byunghee! Jihyuk! ' I shouted but it was too late they had already left. I heard how the crowd was shouting eye candy before. 'So.....Eye Candy' I thought.

So guys how was it ? Do comment and vote. Writing this cause I recently finished this show and I love it so just had to let the feels out :3

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